TouchyWell that was insightful. If I lose respect for Danish political science degrees, does that make me a nihilist?
I do that several times a day (the self-criticism, not the cummerbund/tariffs/opera stuff).My academic standards are high, Steve. I was only just walking around wearing a cummerbund, complaining about tariffs and the state of the opera.
The article (if you can call it that) is simplistic, childish and uninformative. Please engage in a round of self-criticism.
Surprised that's your reaction to the article, I thought it was quite engaging about an effort to put a bit of conceptual structure around something that I think is a genuine phenomenon (although I am always a bit cautious about any claims to novelty - nothing much changes, really). I'm assuming you're referring to the Atlantic article, by the way, rather than any of Michael Bang Petersen's academic publications?