This Tory Bollocks

It's not wrong for energy companies to make obscene profits and windfall taxes are business bashing.
God knows where this country will be within 12 months of her taking over.
It's not wrong for energy companies to make obscene profits and windfall taxes are business bashing.
God knows where this country will be within 12 months of her taking over.
Probably bombing Iraq.

Beecroft Report. Free Enterprise Group. Britannia Unchained. Atlas Shrugged. Jesus Wept.

Too much protection for workers.
Minimum wages are too high. Fucking £4.81 an hour is too high.
Loosen regulations about employing children.
Reduce workplace wages and social protections to levels like China, so the rich can get richer.
Leave only a basic safety-net for those who can't afford the brave new world.

Wonder who the new Charles Dickens will be for our hard times ahead.