There's A Fox Kipping On Next Door's Shed Roof

Several dead Portuguese Men O' War found nearby. And I live nowhere near the sea. Gotta mean something.
My next door neighbours are Burmese.
The family were the equivalent of Dukes and Earls in the Shan States. The family owned silver mines.
They had to flee after a military coup in the early 1950s.
The old boy used to go back to try to persuade the Princes of the Shan States to give up arguing amongst themselves and present a unified front against the Generals.
He failed. So he gave up and became a distinguished doctor over here.
Not sure he would take too kindly to me crawling along a ladder to spread tins of cat or dog food on his shed roof.
Not much chance of keeping up with the Jones' then you old caaant! :)
Not much chance of keeping up with the Jones' then you old caaant! :)
As it happens they are very down to earth smashing people.
I only learnt all this history about them when I was invited to the funeral of the old dear. This all came out when the Bhuddist monk in charge of proceedings gave a speech.