The School Brainwashing Agenda



Its been this way for a 150 years, if anyone really wants to know how this was started by the Robber Barrons etc and why, do yourself big favour and watch John Taylor Gatto's talks.
His podcasts are fantastic, I've listened to hundreds of hours of his stuff over the last 15 years, and you can equate it to the shit show that they are enforcing on families and children right now.

I know in general that teachers are good well meaning people, but to a man they have been worked on by the DS (left) to indoctrinate the children and dumb society down.

Its been this way for a 150 years, if anyone really wants to know how this was started by the Robber Barrons etc and why, do yourself big favour and watch John Taylor Gatto's talks.
His podcasts are fantastic, I've listened to hundreds of hours of his stuff over the last 15 years, and you can equate it to the shit show that they are enforcing on families and children right now.

I know in general that teachers are good well meaning people, but to a man they have been worked on by the DS (left) to indoctrinate the children and dumb society down.
If they've been indoctrinated by the left, how come there are so many narrow minded Tories?