So, when did it become....

Ever since Pointless started I think

Don't know why but it really pisses me off

Also hate it when actresses are called actors which is also a recent thing

Guess I'm getting old
I can remember me mam saying to me, "look, you're going to school whether you're bad or not", plus several other phrases/bollockings
Or do that annoying wiggly fingers held up thing when they think they are proving some sort of point!
I hate all of the above, especially the Americanisations. Fuck off you Yanks! It's English you speak whether you like it or not, so stop answering Qs which demand a response with the verb 'have' with the word 'do'; you're bastardising (note 's', not 'z') OUR language:

'Have you got any English, you know - proper beer in this godforsaken country of yours?'
'No sir, I don't.'

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!! IT'S: 'I HAVEN'T,' you dingbat. 'Haven't' not 'don't.'

BLUE ARMY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Strangely oftentimes - singular words or expressions in the New World come from the old. They were preserved in isolated places and never moved on, language remained static. But the original source moved on to something else.
What you might be hearing is yourself, four hundred years ago.