
Please be safe you guys going out there.
Its a truly nightmarish place - even without the football.
Staying where the tickets are collected and where the mini buses go from. Will drink close by. About the safest strategy we think. Been before so a day mooching Friday and shouldn't be an issue.
Friday will be the most dangerous day - especially if we go through and they don't.
Hope your affairs are all in order.
Like Wills etc. Good luck.
The 4 of us are back on Saturday, I do wish it was Friday instead but while I’m there I do want to visit Pompeii.
If you go Pompeii from Naples Dags make sure you don't get the Circumvesuviani stopping train, takes ages, no aircon and stops everywhere. Get the Campania Express, fast, a/c and no herberts. Worth paying the premium for. Fit in a trip to Sorrento same day, it's on the same train line.
If you go Pompeii from Naples Dags make sure you don't get the Circumvesuviani stopping train, takes ages, no aircon and stops everywhere. Get the Campania Express, fast, a/c and no herberts. Worth paying the premium for. Fit in a trip to Sorrento same day, it's on the same train line.
had one of the best football days ever there in 1990, spent the day on the booze around the back street bars as there was a 53 hour drinks ban on. People were friendly except the ones who tried to attack us, but that was from a distance mostly, they had to out number you greatly or have weapons.
They all conformed to the Italian stereotype of being shit bags, but if you get caught it'll be risky. we were young at the time and didn't give two fucks about them, its a bit different for us older ones now.
They basically pick you off, if they have more numbers. I know the Leicester lads who follow Liverpool that got it there, even though they were warned. Two ended up up in hospital;l and there was around 10 of them. Use your heads that all, its a great place, but don't drop your guard even in places like Sorrento as it goes on all over.
Only reason I'm not going is l won't have any tests or jabs, its a great place, a bit like Marseille there's always something iffy around the corner but well worth the trip.

Just realised there's an omen, when l was there a Leicester fan scored the 2 goals to win !! ohh Gary Gary
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defo, but that edge seems to add to the whole experience. This threads got me thinking if l should make the effort because they are great days out when all said and done.
Good luck to all City fans going come home safe with the right result. Like many others on here who have had their fair share of shenanigans at the football I don’t mind admitting this trip wouldn’t be for me . The I was there to end all others 👍🏼👍🏼....
Safe return to all those going to Naples. Total respect.

I’d exercise caution about going to Pompeii on the Friday, though. When I went there, and okay I’m talking a few years back now, our trip was spoilt when the N and S coach from Harborough was buried in hot rocks and magma.
Safe return to all those going to Naples. Total respect.

I’d exercise caution about going to Pompeii on the Friday, though. When I went there, and okay I’m talking a few years back now, our trip was spoilt when the N and S coach from Harborough was buried in hot rocks and magma.
Should have got the X3 Channy, we stop for nothing or no one...