
is there anyone using it ?

l had a bath in it a couple of days ago - felt really good actually, probably relaxed me too much for daytime but I've got mates who swear by iy.

peoples attention span will mostly not deal with this, thats why they wait for others to tell them to kill themselves, pure laziness ! Its easier to trust the TV, the doctor, the police, the government, the "science", when they don't even understand what "the science" actually means. Science is fluid not a set of rules, did any of you question your TV when they said "the scientist say this that and the other" ? the question should be "what scientist" and "who's paying them" and "for what reason". or "how many scientist and what do the other 99.9% of scientist say" - but no, it saves you thinking for yourself - "it was on the news". fucking nuts, full stop.