Household Cavalry…..


Knife & Fork pending
….”He was saying goodbye to his horse
He was saying goodbye to his horse
And as he was saying goodbye to his horse
He was saying goodbye to his horse”
5 Army horses threw their riders after being spooked by building site noise and bolted near Buckingham Palace during a rehearsal. Collisions with a taxi,another car and a tour bus. 4 people injured. 2 of the loose horses on a 5 mile charge through the centre of London until they were rescued in Limehouse. All the horses recovered and being treated by vets.
Horse Guards Parade might be worth watching this summer!
Half a league,half a league
Half a league onward
All in the valley of Central London
Rode the loose horses
“Forward the Light Brigade!
Charge for the taxi rank”,he said
Down the Mall
Rode the loose horses
“Forward the Light Brigade”!
Was there a man dismay’d?
Not tho’ the soldier knew
Some one had blunder’d
Theirs not to make reply
Theirs not to reason why
Theirs but to do and die
Past Trafalgar statue
Rode the loose horses
Rough sleepers to right of them
Met Police scattering left of them
Big tour bus in front of them
Volley’d and thunder’d
Storm’d at with snot and smell
Boldly they rode and well
Into the jaws of Soho
Into the jaws of hell
Straight past the “secret pub”
Hell bent for Limehouse
Rode the loose horses
When can their glory fade?
O what wild charge they made
All the world wonder’d
Honour the charge they made
Honour the Light Brigade
Noble Loose Horses.