Henderson Crocked

Rob Dorset(t) spinning plates, with his lovely assistant Caroline Flint in attendance. 'Nice waspie Cazzer'.....

Bowling off-breaks from the Shaftsbury Ave End is Rakheem Cornwall. 'Hey, Fatty! Leave them pies alone'.......

Fresh from Bedworth Civic Hall (if anything from Bedworth Civic Hall can be fresh) commentating on the grip, grapple and dazzle is the one and only Kent Walton. 'Rock 'em Kent'........

And finally tonight bringing up a mighty fine rear, we have returning rover Sarah Lancashire. 'Show us your Happy Valley, Raquel.'

BLUE ARMY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The carnival is over by the riverside and further south you'll see this presenter tucking into a Joan Bakewell tart or even a Emily Nugent cake.