Gonna be a long night

It's doom and gloom around the room
Take your pick it's only my stick
I'll wear the fox hat
But not take back
I'm in my room for some more gloom
Good night
You’re a poet, I didn’t know it,
You’re very keen to appear so mean,
but deep inside tho I have to hunt,
I believe you’re a kind soul and not a cunt 😘
Kev look at the timing of the post FFS, were not playing very well up to that point.
You've done it so many times this season it's part of a very regular pattern. Moanin' and a groanin' within minutes of kick off. Taking 22 minutes to have a pop on this occasion is very restrained for you. It's all about 90+ minutes Brian and in the end it was a game we won very comfortably indeed. But if it makes you 'happy' you carry on me duck.

Edit to add: you were right in one regard. It was a long night. We were kicked out of Spoons (no borebage sighting remarkably) at 2am and we then went on to the 24/7 bar at the Premier Inn into the wee small hours. An away trip that shall live eternally in what's left of my memory. Deep joy!
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