Important word there was ‘max’.
Doc H has gone down to 60% on health grounds, that’s 60% of salary. Her hours are meant to reflect that, that certainly isn’t the case, it’s not as if it’s a set amount of work every week but I reckon she probably still does at least 40 hours a week, she’s working now, and on top of that she does at least 10 hours a week for the union. Those hours are meant to reflected in her lecturing/teaching/research hours.
I reckon she should be doing 22 plus 10 whereas she’s doing at least 40 plus 10.
The university are currently trying to force her to teach an extra new module next year, a subject she has no background in so that will take his knows how long to pick up.
Her students absolutely love her but will lose her as she’ll be forced to retire on medical grounds due to ill health and workload before much longer.
She studied economics and some of those she was at university with went to work in the city, they’re earning fuck knows how much and have just had their bonus caps removed.