Caution of going down...


The Rabbit hole. Like Alice In Wonderland, I need you to resurface and breathe before you reenter the rabbit hole. It will make you crazy ! Just like cabin fever. So PLEASE when entering the rabbit hole of, (Enter your subject here) PLEASE take a quick self check up from the neck up before you dive in again.

This is some friendly advice of one who has partaken in many subjects and became entangled, its painful to cut off your arm to escape.
The Rabbit hole. Like Alice In Wonderland, I need you to resurface and breathe before you reenter the rabbit hole. It will make you crazy ! Just like cabin fever. So PLEASE when entering the rabbit hole of, (Enter your subject here) PLEASE take a quick self check up from the neck up before you dive in again.

This is some friendly advice of one who has partaken in many subjects and became entangled, its painful to cut off your arm to escape.
Alternatively, don’t go down rabbit holes. Stay above ground so you can see for miles and miles. Stop, think, breath in the fresh air and things becomes a lot clearer.

For example,
1.If world leaders believed in the religious doctrine, they would never give orders to kill a single soul. You don’t need to go down a rabbit hole to figure that one out.
2. That Maxwell bitch was found guilty of sex trafficking young girls months and months ago. They had enough evidence to find her guilty yet none of those she trafficked those young girls to have been named and arrested.
3. Savile was an open secret yet he mixed with Thatcher, Charlie and the Queen. MI5 would have known about his antics and fed back to Thatcher Charlie and the Queen. Clear as day.
No rabbit hole, just clear blue skies for miles and miles.
Free yourself of the restraints of the rabbit hole, the deeper you go the tighter and darker it gets. Stay above ground, things become a lot clearer.
Folk go down rabbit holes to try to understand why, because us normal folk can’t comprehend their evil. But the answer is above ground in the open. The whole system is just evil.
A Statement that "the whole system is just Evil" smacks a tad that objectivity has detached from your reasoning.
So yes, please self audit, all the time.
one of my daughters is totally awake, she as been for a long time, probably longer than me.

She is doing a psychology coarse right now and her free thinking is disappearing. I've just had a discussion with her and told her that the way she's thinking now she'll end up like the daft liberals.

This is the education system for you, its brilliant at brainwashing you and making you think that what you repeat are your own thoughts. It was quite disturbing really !
1.If world leaders believed in the religious doctrine, they would never give orders to kill a single soul. You don’t need to go down a rabbit hole to figure that one out.

The problem is that world leaders DO believe in religious doctrine.
The Bible is full of permissions to kill.

2,821,364 are killed in the Bible, either by God, on his command, or with his approval.

These are just the numbers given in God's 160 killing sprees. 53 rampages don't include a number.

What was the number of people killed in The Flood?

In Revelation, only 144,000 people are to survive. So there are still billions of planned deaths by God.

Rabbit hole indeed...