Blame BR if we get docked


I do not know the finer points but my sauce in the money department states that is was BR who spent too much dosh that made us breach P&S, probably Top and Susan wanted to back their Top Top manager 100% but it backfired badly.
Managers will always spend as much as they are allowed to. It's up to the senior management to set the budget and ensure it is adhered to.
Yes and it's the assumptions that are made when setting those budgets that I find hard to understand. They assumed an 8th or better placed finish last season (hard to understand as the general trajectory was clear in 2021/22 if not to quite the extreme of relegation which is on BR) but the fact that we went into that season in a situation that we couldn't buy without selling also seems to point to an assumption that there would either be a 3rd European qualification in 2021/22 (something that the shit or bust approach to the Europa Conference in 2021/22 at the expense of the League also hints at) or that they were hoping/banking on selling someone (which they did). They clearly tried to adhere to the budget though else they'd have sacked the c*** earlier.
Not long ago we were able to have other clubs pants down with marquee signings like Maguire, Chilwell, Fofana and Drinkwater. How we laughed. Well funded business model and we could find more than able replacements from Europe at a fraction of the price. Now the model is bucked. We bought some duds and let contracts run down on players who we should have sold at a handsome profit. Relegation was the last straw. Maddison and Barnes went for well below their value and we were left with a very expensive wage bill for players we were stuck with. am sure that the manager was complicit, it’s part of the game for a top top manager. Even when there were offers for some of the players TCR insisted on keeping them, and then not playing them. Spiteful. Even the Guardiola’s of the world accept that they will need to get rid of some players.
What gets me is how naïve the clubs has been to allow this to happen in a few short years. Amateur hour, which is I am afraid where those charged with the administration of our club came from and should return.
Blame Bentley’s Roof? Bit harsh that…
Not at all... we believe it is time for a change at the top and intend to agitate for it. The armed wing - the BRLF - has become supine, resembling nothing more than a cosy WI coffee morning rather than the shitbomb throwing vanguard of radical change that we believe is needed. Join the uprising NOW!!! Simply email "Shitbombs ahoy" to
Not at all... we believe it is time for a change at the top and intend to agitate for it. The armed wing - the BRLF - has become supine, resembling nothing more than a cosy WI coffee morning rather than the shitbomb throwing vanguard of radical change that we believe is needed. Join the uprising NOW!!! Simply email "Shitbombs ahoy" to
Take a look where you're living
You've got the BAMs on your street
And the Rudkin dog of repression
Is barking at your feet
Is this the kind of site you wanna see?
Is this where you wanna be?
Is this the only site; we've gotta have what we need
Is an alternative Bentley's

Grab and change it its yours
The fact is that BR warned the execs in Spring '22 that some refreshing of the squad was necessary but they installed a trading freeze.
But BR was paid, a lot, to work with the players he had, despite wanting to move some of them on. Any culpablity on hom was his
wanting to prove his point to the board.
In the current Sunderland doc on Netflix they showed the recruitment team at work. They had found half a dozen potential recruits.
They were asked if they knew the budget. Their answer was 'no idea'.... Left hand, right hand...
The fact is that BR warned the execs in Spring '22 that some refreshing of the squad was necessary but they installed a trading freeze.
But BR was paid, a lot, to work with the players he had, despite wanting to move some of them on. Any culpablity on hom was his
wanting to prove his point to the board.
There is no absolution of culpability if you shout "Iceberg!" having helped steer the ship towards it.

Leaving aside his inability to get the team over the line on 2 occasions (3 if you believe the performance in Rome was as grotesque a surrender as you'll see in a single game), his culpability extended beyond wanting to make a point (which if the club - or execs if you will - hadn't gotten us into such a bind should on its own have seen his employment terminated immediately) as he was as responsible as anyone for building the squad that needed refreshing. Why they implemented a trading freeze (or rather no one in without someone leaving) is as evident now as it was then.

That the execs ultimately architected the situation I don't dispute (primarily with a wage structure that increasingly didn't reflect the quality of the players & which limited our ability to trade as players happily sat seeing out fat contracts) and ultimately they backed the wrong horse. But whilst Rodger's petulance might have been the thing that he should be least forgiven for, there's so much more.
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The fact is that BR warned the execs in Spring '22 that some refreshing of the squad was necessary but they installed a trading freeze.
But BR was paid, a lot, to work with the players he had, despite wanting to move some of them on. Any culpablity on hom was his
wanting to prove his point to the board.
In the current Sunderland doc on Netflix they showed the recruitment team at work. They had found half a dozen potential recruits.
They were asked if they knew the budget. Their answer was 'no idea'.... Left hand, right hand...
How is a recruitment team supposed to know the price of every target at the time of initial identification?
Imagine how fucking limp they'd sound if they miss out on someone, and try and claim "Ooh, we thought he'd be too expensive..."
It's in a documentary so must be true? Bollocks.
It was not a documentary which said it but a real live person. And they obtain costs from agents and clubs they speak to every day.
It's not difficult...
Buz, the point is that the iceberg was kept secret from BR. You can't put the whole responsibility on the steersman in
those circumstances.
Buz, the point is that the iceberg was kept secret from BR. You can't put the whole responsibility on the steersman in
those circumstances.
Theres every likelihood that BR would have an inkling of what was going on, he would be a fool if he didn't. A lot of people put two and two together to get a gist of our problems
'Every likelyhood'? They are still at it, as Enzo has confirmed when he stated that he was not informed of
any negative financial issues when he was contracted. He, like BR was, is in charge of the performance of the players,
he is not a cleaning lady.
Time for an attitude reset on the board, only then will the club go forward as a concerted force.
Brighton have just concluded a grown up conversation with their head coach which resulted in their parting. Why can't we?
If BR had had an inkling of the board policy it's unlikely he would have spoken so openly to the Mercury.
The only reason I bang on about BR and his role in our relegation disaster is that I sense a scapegoat myth growing which diverts blame from those really responsible. A tactic which simplifies matters (that's its attraction) and excuses those at fault.
'Every likelyhood'? They are still at it, as Enzo has confirmed when he stated that he was not informed of
any negative financial issues when he was contracted. He, like BR was, is in charge of the performance of the players,
he is not a cleaning lady.
Time for an attitude reset on the board, only then will the club go forward as a concerted force.
Brighton have just concluded a grown up conversation with their head coach which resulted in their parting. Why can't we?
If BR had had an inkling of the board policy it's unlikely he would have spoken so openly to the Mercury.
The only reason I bang on about BR and his role in our relegation disaster is that I sense a scapegoat myth growing which diverts blame from those really responsible. A tactic which simplifies matters (that's its attraction) and excuses those at fault.

I agree that it is foolish to retrospectively expect BR to have asked 'are you sure you're okay with spending X on this player or Y on that new contract?'.

BR was there to make the squad as strong as possible. He would ask for contracts to be extended or players to be signed with that in mind. He couldn't care less about our finances at any point. As long as someone signs the cheques, on we go.

The problem arose when we gave BR too much control over the running of the club. Not the finances but the recruitment department, the medical department, the squad size, etc.

Again, that isn't BRs fault. He asked for it and he got it.

When BR did realise the extent of our financial woes, he had a choice. To walk or to wait for the payoff. He took the better option for him and the worst one for LCFC. For that, I don't blame him (after all, how easy is it to refuse millions of pounds on a principle?) but I do hold him responsible and loathe him for it.
Enzo a different proposition he's only been here 5 mins BR had enough experience
I don't skirt the issues regarding upper management I wouldn't let Rudkin loose in a whelk stall
'Every likelyhood'? They are still at it, as Enzo has confirmed when he stated that he was not informed of
any negative financial issues when he was contracted. He, like BR was, is in charge of the performance of the players,
he is not a cleaning lady.
Time for an attitude reset on the board, only then will the club go forward as a concerted force.
Brighton have just concluded a grown up conversation with their head coach which resulted in their parting. Why can't we?
If BR had had an inkling of the board policy it's unlikely he would have spoken so openly to the Mercury.
The only reason I bang on about BR and his role in our relegation disaster is that I sense a scapegoat myth growing which diverts blame from those really responsible. A tactic which simplifies matters (that's its attraction) and excuses those at fault.
There is no parallel between a manager coming in shortly before a new season, and Rodgers who had been at the club since early 2019. Indeed the absence of any read across between the two situations only reflects more harshly on Rodgers, in that he had countless opportunities to understand the direction of travel of the club’s finances, and yet carried on splurging what money he was given on players who, as a collective, weakened the squad, instead of strengthening it.
There is (or should be) a dynamic at the heart of every football club. Every manager will want more money for contracts and purchase of players.. every board or owner will have some limits. At the best run clubs these tensions are worked out honestly behind closed doors. It all goes wrong when the owners let the manager think there is more money than is actually available.. or the manager starts publicly agitating for more than has been agreed. It’s obvious that Rodger’s wanted more funds but I suspect that Top and the board weren’t totally honest with him either .. we know they allowed Enzo to get the wrong end of the stick in the Sensi saga.
There is (or should be) a dynamic at the heart of every football club. Every manager will want more money for contracts and purchase of players.. every board or owner will have some limits. At the best run clubs these tensions are worked out honestly behind closed doors. It all goes wrong when the owners let the manager think there is more money than is actually available.. or the manager starts publicly agitating for more than has been agreed. It’s obvious that Rodger’s wanted more funds but I suspect that Top and the board weren’t totally honest with him either .. we know they allowed Enzo to get the wrong end of the stick in the Sensi saga.
Agreed. But two other factors come into play. First the value a manager gets, over time, from the money that’s spent in the Transfer market (and that calculation includes success on the pitch, the morale of the squad, and future resale value of players). Second is the progress of the financial status of the club, and its owners. It was clear to everyone in the world that King Power took a huge hit during Covid, which will have conditioned Top’s risk appetite financially. At the same time, most of us could see the Club was financing a serious crack at breaking the stranglehold of the Top Six, But we didn’t have the turnover, the saleable assets, or indeed the lawyers, to make up for any failures under Rodgers to reach the enormous paydays of the Champions League.