Have you fell off the scaffold and landed on your head ?
Bnet, Microdick follows you around the roof like an adoring puppy, putting little👍🏻 Likey likes after everything you write. You surely know that covites are really strange, and he skulks around Magna Park at night, with his ten year old Samsung phone, flicking between Xhamster and twitter, looking for a reason to be relevant. Doesn't he weird you out?
Bnet, Microdick follows you around the roof like an adoring puppy, putting little👍🏻 Likey likes after everything you write. You surely know that covites are really strange, and he skulks around Magna Park at night, with his ten year old Samsung phone, flicking between Xhamster and twitter, looking for a reason to be relevant. Doesn't he weird you out?
Some people know what's going on, others don't. What do you do when you know something correct and others don't ? silly me of course you don't 😁
Some people know what's going on, others don't. What do you do when you know something correct and others don't ? silly me of course you don't 😁
He’s like a Walter Mitty character. Makes things up in his own head then believes them 😂
Him and his brother got kicked out of Magna Park for being fucking useless and he’s blamed Hamza the illegal immigrant ever since.
He’s like a Walter Mitty character. Makes things up in his own head then believes them 😂
Him and his brother got kicked out of Magna Park for being fucking useless and he’s blamed Hamza the illegal immigrant ever since.
l think hes just bored.
Yeah because Georgians are going to print messages to Russians in English. You retarded prick. 😂😂😂
No wonder a immigrant who couldn’t speak a word of English took yours and your brothers job 😂😂😂
Poor thickie. Still confused by the humble apostrophe.
It’s quite bizarre. Given your huge knowledge on a vast array of subjects, basic English is beyond you. It’s almost as if you actually don’t know what you’re talking about and are trying to bluff your way through it.
That would be ridiculous though.
Poor thickie. Still confused by the humble apostrophe.
It’s quite bizarre. Given your huge knowledge on a vast array of subjects, basic English is beyond you. It’s almost as if you actually don’t know what you’re talking about and are trying to bluff your way through it.
That would be ridiculous though.
He’s shitty pants to the rescue! 👍
Poor thickie. Still confused by the humble apostrophe.
It’s quite bizarre. Given your huge knowledge on a vast array of subjects, basic English is beyond you. It’s almost as if you actually don’t know what you’re talking about and are trying to bluff your way through it.
That would be ridiculous though.
you think education is knowledge, yeh ?
He’s like a Walter Mitty character. Makes things up in his own head then believes them 😂
Him and his brother got kicked out of Magna Park for being fucking useless and he’s blamed Hamza the illegal immigrant ever since.
Magna fucking Park, Dickdick? Im a highly skilled tradesman. This brain and these hands can create and craft thinks trowell monkeys can scarcely dream of! Warehouses are for the cerebrally challenged.
Magna fucking Park, Dickdick? Im a highly skilled tradesman. This brain and these hands can create and craft thinks trowell monkeys can scarcely dream of! Warehouses are for the cerebrally challenged.
Ran an Annexing operation out of Magna park 20 odd years ago. Not been near the place since. Craftsman, picking fucking spuds coz your brother lost his job to an immigrant who couldn’t speak a word of English 😂😂
I’ve papers you could only dream about.
I guess you need a city and guilds to pick spuds nowadays 👍
He’s proven time and time again to be one of those with no common sense. Thinks he’s clever but is vastly overweight. Plenty of certificates but can’t control his eating. 😊
Overweight? Snacking? Certificates?
Serious question here, are you suffering from EOD? I’d love to know who you think I am as I’m quite intrigued now.
Ran an Annexing operation out of Magna park 20 odd years ago. Not been near the place since. Craftsman, picking fucking spuds coz your brother lost his job to an immigrant who couldn’t speak a word of English 😂😂
I’ve papers you could only dream about.
I guess you need a city and guilds to pick spuds nowadays 👍
The only worthwhile papers you have dickweed, are The Beano an The Dandy.
Poor thickie. Still confused by the humble apostrophe.
It’s quite bizarre. Given your huge knowledge on a vast array of subjects, basic English is beyond you. It’s almost as if you actually don’t know what you’re talking about and are trying to bluff your way through it.
That would be ridiculous though.
I usually stay out of weird shit like this. But just out of curiosity bud, what's with the apostrophe obsession?