GTIF news

Always enjoy reading your report, get buckin well soon and get a pt of the black stuff down your neck👍
Sorry to hear this Gerry. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Just hope it's less than 800 years in coming.
The buckin buckers buckin bucked.
Assuming that you can still see with your right eye and type with your right hand get that buckin report sorted for filing before the deadline as always.
Get well soon mate.
Forget the match report, it’s more tales of rural Ireland we want via the Navan Echo. Things like when the shop ran out of crisps, or furore caused when the postman was ten minutes late in 1957
(Thanks VofD)
In all seriousness, get well soon.
does this mean we won't get a considered opinion for a while, how about an unconsidered one for a change then Gerry ?

Get well soon mate.