Who'd of thunk it.

This is all well and good if that was the end of the investigation into where the missing money went, but it wasn't, in fact it's still being investigated and it's an even higher amount now so destroying that part of the Pentagon did nothing to cover up the missing money.
Did nothing?
Of so they’ve found it then, glad destroying the evidence hasn’t hampered the search.
Bet you’re jabbed 😂😂
This is all well and good if that was the end of the investigation into where the missing money went, but it wasn't, in fact it's still being investigated and it's an even higher amount now so destroying that part of the Pentagon did nothing to cover up the missing money.
That's funny.
Here's what he actually said.

"The technology revolution has transformed organizations across the private sector, but not ours, not fully, not yet. We are, as they say, tangled in our anchor chain. Our financial systems are decades old. According to some estimates, we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions. We cannot share information from floor to floor in this building because it's stored on dozens of technological systems that are inaccessible or incompatible."

So the information was stored on disparate legacy systems, that made auditing impractical. $2.3 trillion was not "missing", it was just impossible without proper investment in technological infrastructure, to see if what was being spent, was going to the right places; for the right reasons.

Also these disparate information sources suggest that it is a bit dumb to thunk that one office held all the data and they blew it up.

Of course that is only my personal interpretation of this specific matter.

In truth, 9-11 must have been an inside job. A huge insurance scam and a way to get at the oil in Iraq and build some pipelines in Afghanistan. Allegedly.

Jab or no jab, just use your brain.
I've said in here before I very very rarely watch television, you keep assuming things though it shows you and others up how much you assume things and get them wrong.
I watch TV most week nights, but I can't really see that old episodes of Midsomer Murders and Foyle's War are going to send me down too many rabbitholes/awaken me to what's really going on [delete according to preference]