The Changing Political Landscape

Torys miles ahead mid term and after quite a big pandemic led fuck up. Shows how weak the oppo is.

Labour a dead duck.

The Greens overtaking the Lib Dems.

SNP remain the boss of Jockland.

Labour is basically the public sector vote. Vested interests obsessed with their pensions that look down on the working class.

Lib Dems massively fucked and a growing liberal vote split with the Greens.

Torys nailed on for the next election.
Everything goes around in circles. The Tories have power most of the time. It swings in the opposite direction sometimes. The Establishment remains the same.
Everything goes around in circles. The Tories have power most of the time. It swings in the opposite direction sometimes. The Establishment remains the same.
Generally it don’t really matter who the zoo keeper is. The lions are given the prime cuts and the meerkats get given the scraps.
Just depends how much scraps the meerkats get.
But the meerkats always vote for the zookeeper... it’s better the zookeeper you know!
Generally it don’t really matter who the zoo keeper is. The lions are given the prime cuts and the meerkats get given the scraps.
Just depends how much scraps the meerkats get.
But the meerkats always vote for the zookeeper... it’s better the zookeeper you know!
But to keep them in their place the zoo keeper will tell the lions the meerkats are getting some of their prime cuts.