The bit I don't get...


Flat Roofer
We're all of a certain age, and I'm guessing a good percentage of us have had a few violent rumbles in our younger days. But it was always pretty much fists and feet, at worse you might get whacked with something. But no one wanted to kill the other person they were fighting, or I'm presuming not anyway. And for obvious reasons, 1. you don't really want to be responsible for murdering someone and having to live with that for the rest of your life. 2. If you get caught, you're fucked and in prison for life (or at least you should be).

So what happened? Why don't these kids see the consequences of their actions? Why would you stab someone knowing there's a fucking good chance you're going to kill them and be locked up for the rest of your life.

It's a serious question. What changed? Do they think they'll get away with it? Do they not care? What the fuck happened?
They think everyone carries a knife so if they get into a rumble they need one so it’s a fair fight. Also peer pressure, if your mates all carry one you should too.

In many cases they’re too young g to really understand the consequences.

It’s bonkers how it’s got to this.
I used to be a very good shot with a “spud gun”. Readily available as prizes from fairground stalls during my childhood. Much to the consternation of my parents!
We're all of a certain age, and I'm guessing a good percentage of us have had a few violent rumbles in our younger days. But it was always pretty much fists and feet, at worse you might get whacked with something. But no one wanted to kill the other person they were fighting, or I'm presuming not anyway. And for obvious reasons, 1. you don't really want to be responsible for murdering someone and having to live with that for the rest of your life. 2. If you get caught, you're fucked and in prison for life (or at least you should be).

So what happened? Why don't these kids see the consequences of their actions? Why would you stab someone knowing there's a fucking good chance you're going to kill them and be locked up for the rest of your life.

It's a serious question. What changed? Do they think they'll get away with it? Do they not care? What the fuck happened?
Ditto to all this jacki, thoughtful post , as for the first bit I know what it’s like to take a hiding and a punch and I can remember feeling sick when I hit the other persons in self defence it felt very weird and uncomfortable to say least, glad them days went asap. But as you typed .. what happened? It has to stop now, I find most youngens to be fine and maybe more respectful than myself at times but I do know one who was locked up for using a knife and made me tearful. Thank fully the victim was fine but doesn’t take away what said lad did. Madness.
We're all of a certain age, and I'm guessing a good percentage of us have had a few violent rumbles in our younger days. But it was always pretty much fists and feet, at worse you might get whacked with something. But no one wanted to kill the other person they were fighting, or I'm presuming not anyway. And for obvious reasons, 1. you don't really want to be responsible for murdering someone and having to live with that for the rest of your life. 2. If you get caught, you're fucked and in prison for life (or at least you should be).

So what happened? Why don't these kids see the consequences of their actions? Why would you stab someone knowing there's a fucking good chance you're going to kill them and be locked up for the rest of your life.

It's a serious question. What changed? Do they think they'll get away with it? Do they not care? What the fuck happened?

I agree.

I don't blame those that do it because they anticipate potential threats carrying them so what are they supposed to do?

I'd make carrying a knife a more serious offence and enable police to do random stop and search.

I wouldn't mind the police doing that to me because it would save a lot of lives.
I agree.

I don't blame those that do it because they anticipate potential threats carrying them so what are they supposed to do?

I'd make carrying a knife a more serious offence and enable police to do random stop and search.

I wouldn't mind the police doing that to me because it would save a lot of lives.
You don't blame those that carry knives? What would you do tell off the mums and dads?

ANYBODY who carries a weapon, knife or machete is a prize cunt! Whether they are 15 or 50 they have the capacity to understand what is right and wrong. Making the sentences harsher for people who do this is a must.

Police should have the right to stop and search but once again are fearful of being accused of Racism, Abuse of Power etc. We need to reform this country.
You don't blame those that carry knives? What would you do tell off the mums and dads?

ANYBODY who carries a weapon, knife or machete is a prize cunt! Whether they are 15 or 50 they have the capacity to understand what is right and wrong. Making the sentences harsher for people who do this is a must.

Police should have the right to stop and search but once again are fearful of being accused of Racism, Abuse of Power etc. We need to reform this country.

No I don't blame them.

I think most people would carry a knife if they were in genuine fear of being attacked by people carrying them.

It's basic self defence.

It's always been that way. Think about the Peaky Blinders for example (the actual people not the TV storyline).

Razor blades, knuckle dusters, pool ball in sock, etc. People use weapons.

To remove knifes from streets you have to make the jeopardy of carrying them not worth it. Anything else is a waste of time.
Yeah I’ve got a genuine fear of being attacked by someone with a knuckle duster, razor blade or a pool ball in a sock , so I carry all three, thanks for not judging me.
Basic self defence
It's been a snowball effect, the more people carry knives the more people think they need to carry one for protection. Some of it is down to peer pressure, protection, looking hard. Stop and search powers do exist. Funnily enough police stop almost 5 times as many black people as white, but they aren't racist. The demise of youth services, mentoring, lack of pride in communities all contribute. I do agree sentences need to be longer for possession but that won't solve the problem alone.
You don't blame those that carry knives? What would you do tell off the mums and dads?

ANYBODY who carries a weapon, knife or machete is a prize cunt! Whether they are 15 or 50 they have the capacity to understand what is right and wrong. Making the sentences harsher for people who do this is a must.

Police should have the right to stop and search but once again are fearful of being accused of Racism, Abuse of Power etc. We need to reform this country.
I don't know if i should point this out for 356th time.
Punitive sentencing is not a crime deterrent (my dad was a rozzer and always said this, so do the stats). However it does keep people off the street for longer so there is that argument in it's favour.
Chance of being caught is a deterrent.
So, stop and search before, is much better at lowering the crime rate than after the fact sentencing guidelines.

Despite making up only 13% of London’s total population, black Londoners account for 45% of London’s knife murder victims, 61% of knife murder perpetrators and 53% of knife crime perpetrators.

'Diversity is Our Strength'
I don't know if i should point this out for 356th time.
Punitive sentencing is not a crime deterrent (my dad was a rozzer and always said this, so do the stats). However it does keep people off the street for longer so there is that argument in it's favour.
Chance of being caught is a deterrent.
So, stop and search before, is much better at lowering the crime rate than after the fact sentencing guidelines.
100% agree. The problem is that a lot of Police will not intervene until a crime is committed.

I did an intoduction to Law on the Open University about 18 years ago and there was an ex copper in the classes. We were talking about the role of the police and I said the role should be to prevent crime and keep people safe as a priority. He said it was to solve crime.

He said that they were instructed to wait for someone to commit a crime before arrest e.g. wait for someone going equipped to do a burglary to actually do the burglary before arresting. This is where the police are.

Since then the force has been infiltrated by the woke and they are now too scared to do their job properly. They need to be given the support to stop and search anyone no matter race, religion etc. without being accused of racism etc. Statistics are more important than doing the job properly. Also have a look at some of the cretins they now allow into the force in the name of Diversity and Equality. No wonder the scum are no longer scared of breaking the law.
100% agree. The problem is that a lot of Police will not intervene until a crime is committed.

I did an intoduction to Law on the Open University about 18 years ago and there was an ex copper in the classes. We were talking about the role of the police and I said the role should be to prevent crime and keep people safe as a priority. He said it was to solve crime.

He said that they were instructed to wait for someone to commit a crime before arrest e.g. wait for someone going equipped to do a burglary to actually do the burglary before arresting. This is where the police are.

Since then the force has been infiltrated by the woke and they are now too scared to do their job properly. They need to be given the support to stop and search anyone no matter race, religion etc. without being accused of racism etc. Statistics are more important than doing the job properly. Also have a look at some of the cretins they now allow into the force in the name of Diversity and Equality. No wonder the scum are no longer scared of breaking the law.

In an ideal world, I agree with some of this.

The problem is that when such powers were granted to the police they abused their authority and used them to be racist thugs.
In an ideal world, I agree with some of this.

The problem is that when such powers were granted to the police they abused their authority and used them to be racist thugs.
During the 70's and 80's a lot of forces were institutionally racist, but like everything we seem to have gone from one extreme to another.

We need to make this country safer and police need to be able to police once more. I am sure the majority will have had enough of the 2 tier policing under instruction.

We need them to be a little bit nasty. I would rather the police be feared by wronguns and my kids can feel a little safer when they go out of a night.
You really are a cunt aren't you.
Fucking prick.
I get you don't like LBD but he is not wrong is he? I have to work in London every weekday and it is a shithole. It has got progressively worse in the last 5 years. There are some parts that are complete no-go areas, especially after dark.

Sadiq Khan has ruined what was one of the best cities in the world but hey ho diversity is our strength!!
100% agree. The problem is that a lot of Police will not intervene until a crime is committed.

I did an intoduction to Law on the Open University about 18 years ago and there was an ex copper in the classes. We were talking about the role of the police and I said the role should be to prevent crime and keep people safe as a priority. He said it was to solve crime.

He said that they were instructed to wait for someone to commit a crime before arrest e.g. wait for someone going equipped to do a burglary to actually do the burglary before arresting. This is where the police are.

Since then the force has been infiltrated by the woke and they are now too scared to do their job properly. They need to be given the support to stop and search anyone no matter race, religion etc. without being accused of racism etc. Statistics are more important than doing the job properly. Also have a look at some of the cretins they now allow into the force in the name of Diversity and Equality. No wonder the scum are no longer scared of breaking the law.
Agree partially but you've also let your political bias cloud your judgement (woke and DEI buzzwords).
Here are the facts (all from my dad):
Up until the 80's, policemen had to do the work and pass exams to get promoted. That meant a sergeant would, on average have 5 to 10 years experience on the street doing all sorts of jobs, walking the beat, working in communications, motorway police, as a constable before he got promoted, same thing when he was up for inspector, chief inspector etc etc. Result: experienced coppers who knew what they were doing (by and large) up and down the command chain.
In the 80's the tory govt wanted to get graduates into the force and introduced a fast track system where they could be inspectors (or higher) by the time they were 30. Result: the upper echelons of the police force started to fill up with rubber desk johnnys (blackadder quote) who didn't have the expereince or street smarts to do the job, but could fill out reports and do paperwork.
so you ended up with a topsy turvy force where the constables and sargeants and inspectors knew what they were doing but people further up the food chain didn't and ended up creating a worthless beaurocracy. That's been going on for years now.
My dad spent 30 years in the leicester/shire force and got up to Inspector, but he saw these johnny come lately's leapfrog him when they didn't know their arse from their elbow. when i graduated university he suggested joing the plod because of the fast track promotion path but i had no interest. when he retired he told me he was glad i hadn't gone in as most of the fast track cops he'd worked with were idiots and the force was being diluted by people who just weren't good solid coppers.
During the 70's and 80's a lot of forces were institutionally racist, but like everything we seem to have gone from one extreme to another.

We need to make this country safer and police need to be able to police once more. I am sure the majority will have had enough of the 2 tier policing under instruction.

We need them to be a little bit nasty. I would rather the police be feared by wronguns and my kids can feel a little safer when they go out of a night.

I get you don't like LBD but he is not wrong is he? I have to work in London every weekday and it is a shithole. It has got progressively worse in the last 5 years. There are some parts that are complete no-go areas, especially after dark.

Sadiq Khan has ruined what was one of the best cities in the world but hey ho diversity is our strength!!
It’s always been a shithole. I worked there in the 80,s and it was a dump then.
I don’t blame the mayor, it is just all got too far out of control after 40 years of terrible government from all sides.

Despite making up only 13% of London’s total population, black Londoners account for 45% of London’s knife murder victims, 61% of knife murder perpetrators and 53% of knife crime perpetrators.

'Diversity is Our Strength'
Agree partially but you've also let your political bias cloud your judgement (woke and DEI buzzwords).
Here are the facts (all from my dad):
Up until the 80's, policemen had to do the work and pass exams to get promoted. That meant a sergeant would, on average have 5 to 10 years experience on the street doing all sorts of jobs, walking the beat, working in communications, motorway police, as a constable before he got promoted, same thing when he was up for inspector, chief inspector etc etc. Result: experienced coppers who knew what they were doing (by and large) up and down the command chain.
In the 80's the tory govt wanted to get graduates into the force and introduced a fast track system where they could be inspectors (or higher) by the time they were 30. Result: the upper echelons of the police force started to fill up with rubber desk johnnys (blackadder quote) who didn't have the expereince or street smarts to do the job, but could fill out reports and do paperwork.
so you ended up with a topsy turvy force where the constables and sargeants and inspectors knew what they were doing but people further up the food chain didn't and ended up creating a worthless beaurocracy. That's been going on for years now.
My dad spent 30 years in the leicester/shire force and got up to Inspector, but he saw these johnny come lately's leapfrog him when they didn't know their arse from their elbow. when i graduated university he suggested joing the plod because of the fast track promotion path but i had no interest. when he retired he told me he was glad i hadn't gone in as most of the fast track cops he'd worked with were idiots and the force was being diluted by people who just weren't good solid coppers.
Fair point. There will always be some want to make it about race.
It’s always been a shithole. I worked there in the 80,s and it was a dump then.
I don’t blame the mayor, it is just all got too far out of control after 40 years of terrible government from all sides.
Every city has nice and not so nice areas. The no go areas is a myth perpetuated by certain people in the media and on social media. I lived there for 9 years. It's a fantastic city and unique.

Fair point. There will always be some want to make it about race.

Every city has nice and not so nice areas. The no go areas is a myth perpetuated by certain people in the media and on social media. I lived there for 9 years. It's a fantastic city and unique.
So you're saying you could walk around that city alone in any district at night and know that you were absolutely safe from being attacked?
In an ideal world, I agree with some of this.

The problem is that when such powers were granted to the police they abused their authority and used them to be racist thugs.
So the death of people, many of them black, is preferable.

What a load of tossers a load of people in Britain have become.