
I'm not fan of Harris but the audacity of right wing thicko loons to highlight her bloopers or inaccuracies, whilst simultaneously supporting the single biggest bullshitter on earth, is really something.
Show me the clips of Trump insanity, like these freaks. I don't care who's side they're on, I don't really understand American politics but I know a fucking insane lunatic when I see one..

You posted a John Lennon clip elsewhere, which mentions that the world is run by maniacs - but now you don't think the President from a few years ago is insane?
You posted a John Lennon clip elsewhere, which mentions that the world is run by maniacs - but now you don't think the President from a few years ago is insane?
I don't think he's insane like these cunts, no I don't. Not only are they insane but they are also fucking retarded. You just have to look into their eyes to see..
There's no hope for you...
Give me some examples then clever clogs. Show me the endless clips of him lying like the levels of bullshit above spewed out that thick bitch's mouth. Fucking hell, she can't even tell the fucking truth about what fucking colour she is. But yeah Orange Man bad..
You've definitely not been concentrating, if you've never seen your Big D mate lying, or spewing bullshit...
I've been joking calling you a Fan Boy...but fucking seems to be true.
They are ALL cunts...ALL of them...
Your mate is one of them...he's part of the elite...part of the swamp...
Are you blind to it all?
Give me some examples then clever clogs. Show me the endless clips of him lying like the levels of bullshit above spewed out that thick bitch's mouth. Fucking hell, she can't even tell the fucking truth about what fucking colour she is. But yeah Orange Man bad..
Ahhh, bless. Donny’s lickle soljer
You posted a John Lennon clip elsewhere, which mentions that the world is run by maniacs - but now you don't think the President from a few years ago is insane?
Okay, so JG might get a few people's goats,
So Mr T ain't perfect,
But come on, metaphorically, if they didn't do it then, most of this lot would be right behind Blair, Bush, Obama, Clinton and all the other neocon nonstop war mongers.