

Aside the 57 varieties of course....

I am finding this area of the Roof really quite stimulating and thought-provoking. There is much to disagree with, but equally much to ponder...particularly in areas that mainstream news programmes don't seem interested in shining a light on. As has been suggested, I have started doing my own watching and reading around the notions of new world orders and great resets...the problem is it is easy to disappear down worm-holes really quickly.

Was watching The Corbett Report this morning (
) which made interesting viewing - but where would the good citizens of this part of the Roof send me.

What are the key sources they would refer to? Be nice to have a few links in one place....
Eggs. (Serious answer for which I shall probably be banned)

The best overall TV news services that report from a right wing perspective are Fox News in the US and, bizarrely Sky News in Australia. Neither are easily available in the UK though there are a fair number of clips and segments online. Strangely you will not find much if you use Google to search, can't imagine why...:unsure:

In the UK there are no serious right of centre publications despite what the left would have you believe, you have to dig deep.

Plenty of message boards and blogs though, Guido Fawkes 'Order Order' has coverage of what goes on in and around parliament and plenty of links to other sources.

'Going Postal' is interesting too, not so much the articles, more the ongoing commentary of events that is the comment section that follows each article. Lots of links about politics and 'social' issues, very wide ranging. Pretty right wing and some genuine racists, but lots of very sensible people too, look at some of the stuff being linked too, very enlightening.

I have not suggested too many specific sites as you need to search and follow things up for yourself. Read as much as you can and make up your own mind.
Nowt wrong with an occasional serious answer - I have done one or two of my own....a while back. Thank you for the effort Sir.

I openly declare my long adult history as a Labour-voting Grauniad reader. But as one who is constantly talking to his kids about the need to "see the bigger picture" and be aware of the would be extremely hypocritical of me not to investigate how others see the world.
Nowt wrong with an occasional serious answer - I have done one or two of my own....a while back. Thank you for the effort Sir.

I openly declare my long adult history as a Labour-voting Grauniad reader. But as one who is constantly talking to his kids about the need to "see the bigger picture" and be aware of the would be extremely hypocritical of me not to investigate how others see the world.
...and then post the soiled pages through the letter box of the local Young Conservatives club....
Had I realised you were a 'lefty' I would have kept schtum rather than outing myself as a Nazi.
It's ok - p'raps come Christmas Day we can kick a ball about together before retreating to our respective political trenches!
Let's call that Plan C.

I could be wrong, but from reading many earlier posts I believe AFCD would, like I, prefer to discuss differences more amicably over a sweet sherry or two.

There is enough ball-kicking in the world as it is.
The best sources to explain the world today, are the history books, the novels, the poems and the art of decades and centuries past.

Everything happens again. Again and again.