Rvn bucked

If that’s the case then before the cup tie is the perfect time to do it.
Gives the new bloke that they’ve not got lined up a bit of extra time before next league game
Am hearing a decision has been reached and àn̈ announncement is imminent
Delay is because they don't want to rock the boat b4 the cup tie
Hearing from where?! 😂

And not rocking the boat before a cup tie so we can rock it before a league game instead? Yep, that makes total sense…
Hope they're not being sentimental about his return to OT. Just get rid now and give the new man time ( a mistake we've made before).
Hope they're not being sentimental about his return to OT. Just get rid now and give the new man time ( a mistake we've made before).
Our club is in such a fractured state that us not sacking rvn because he has a return to old trafford coming up & it will mean a lot to him can’t actually be taken off the realms of possibility.
Which would rather do sack him and use the money to pay him compensation or use the money to buy players?
Knowing the way your brain works you’d probably prefer to buy 1 player @ 5 mil with Ruud managing him & expecting it to make us better than sacking the bloke who’s managing us who isn’t actually a manager.