Wasn't he President during the start of the "Covid Scam"?
I disagree. There are 650 MPs in Britain. Can you really not see any difference between therm all?
I reckon there are about 20% of them who strive for the top table, and if you refer to them then you might be on to something (although I still disagree).
But the majority of them work hard for their local community, for a salary that is not commensurate with the level of responsibility or the shit they have to put up with, and then get lazy labelled "all the same".
Trump is different. Forget the bluster or the rabble rousing, he is not one of them so can not be controlled by them.
This why the the American ‘deep state’ hate him with a vengeance, they are also scared of what he might do should he get back in the White House.
The political state will do whatever they can to make sure that does not happen. They will manipulate the vote even more than usual, use lawfare and political machination to try and ensure that Trump does not ‘win’ the White House.
If that does not work, they will kill him.
Forced-fed cliches that the cult are happy to repeat but don't actually understand.To some extent, my views are based on the kind of people who oppose Trump.
That he upsets lefties and anyone with a ‘progressive/woke’ stance will do for me.
I have no idea what he will do, neither do the members of the American state.What exactly do you think he might do that's so scary?
Drop even more bombs than last time?
He doesn't upset me - if anything I'm amazed by how many brainless morons fall for his guff & become part of his cult.Hi bannedontherun.
Trump stumbled quite badly over COVID. His initial skepticism was overwhelmed by the media storm, then the summer riots massively disrupted the campaign.
Most of the reaction to COVID was at state and mayoral level, not sure how involved the president was at this time.
Hi sixth, alright?
Your position that they are all as bad as each other is at least consistent, and mostly you are right, but in this case I feel there is a difference.
That is simply because of the opposition that he attracts. They are definitely scared of what he might do and for the moment that is enough for me.
(And Trump really seems to upset mistryman, another big plus in my book)
I have no idea what he will do, neither do the members of the American state.
It is what he might do that frightens them.
It is the release of classified political documents that really scares them.
And the Epstein logs, Obama , the Clintons, Biden and god knows what else.Yet he withheld the JFK documents...
Err no - thats not what happened though is it?
Policy is, more or less, the only thing worth focusing on. That and whether, more or less, they deliver. Hardly any do deliver these days.If you want to attack Trump then focus on policy
Take it up with Ian Sams. And tell us what actually happened - even better if you were there & give us a first-person perspective.Err no - thats not what happened though is it?
If you want to attack Trump then focus on policy - the the shrieking witch and Democrats are finding out that playing the man not the ball doesn't work
Err no - thats not what happened though is it?
If you want to attack Trump then focus on policy - the the shrieking witch and Democrats are finding out that playing the man not the ball doesn't work
Yeah, exactly. Just like you do with all your Keir Starmer posts.If you want to attack Trump then focus on policy
these woke twats will say anything, the truth or facts mean nothing.
Every last one of them is a wanker.
get offended girls (they/them sorry)
Your boy’s not looking great at all…Got anything that is slightly funny ?
Thought not, you don't do humour is band in Wokeland isn't it.
You DO know what humour is don't you ? Thought not.
Who said it was funny or humorous? All I said was he wasn’t looking l said, you don't do humour wokeyman do you.
obviously why you are all miserable all of the time.
there you go again - "l didn't say that, l meant this".Who said it was funny or humorous? All I said was he wasn’t looking great.
there you go again - "l didn't say that, l meant this".
Pathetic hateful liar.
My exact words.Your boy’s not looking great at all…