Life advice...


Flat Roofer
We're all of an age now on here. We've all experienced a good chunk of the unique journey that life offers. The world has changed massively over the last 50 years, so what's one piece of advice you would give a young'un heading out on their life journey now?
Sir John Betjeman, In his 80s, was interviewed by Parkinson. Craggy, wrinkled, his eyelids dropped over his eyes and he was speaking about his prominent life, especially as the poet laureate. Asked by Parkinson if he had any regrets about his time overall, he replied that he hadn't had enough Sex.
So my advice to the young ones reading this is................................moisturise :LOL:
Yeah...Trump went to his birthday parties, presented him awards, praised him...

"I love Diddy. You know he’s a good friend of mine, he’s a good guy..."