I've had an epiphany.

I've done the right research and joined all the dots at last.. It all makes sense now. Bnet was right all along!

An online source from Spain called La Quinta Columna (The Fifth Column) posts a report that reveals:

Graphene oxide, a single cell layer of graphite with oxygen-carrying properties, that comprises literally over 99% of the content of COVID vaxxine serums, is the real “COVID-19 coronavirus disease.” Just that simple.

Because, as the report reveals, all of the major COVID vaxxine vials, AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna, Sinovac, Janssen, Johnson & Johnson, etc. contain the identical same contents… of over 99% graphene oxide nanochemicals, therefore these vaccines are “the virus”.

Which is why no one has been able to isolate the virus. Because it isn’t a virus. There is no virus.

Which is why COVID-19 results in a metallic taste in the mouth and magneto properties within the victim’s body.

And induces the loss of smell and taste via increased mucus secretions, says the report,
Furthermore, according to La Quinta Columna, the intranasal versions are also 99+% graphene oxide nanoparticles.

Which is why 5G radiation from cell phone towers are in full-ahead installation to activate “COVID-19” from remote locations via graphene oxide response to the absorption band frequency of 5G microwave energy. That is why the 5G radiation sources are installed in such enormous quantities and in such close proximity to structures housing humans. Photos show 5G tower installers putting Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) into the 5G systems that are labeled COVID19 in etched copper. With the ‘smart meter’, all of the household wiring in your house or building can be used as a massive power grid antenna, effectively putting you inside a microwave oven.
Because the electron absorption band for graphene oxide is in the same frequency range as 5G radiation.
And coincidentally GO-COVID started in Wuhan, China where 5G radiation was being rolled out,
Which is why GO-COVID-19 degrades a master antioxidant, called glutathione, in living human cells.
Which is why children don’t get GO-COVID because they have high levels of glutathione.
Which is why the FDA recently ordered N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) to be removed from vitamin store shelves, because it dramatically restores glutathione levels. The day prior to this information becoming public, Amazon was a source of NAC supplements. At that moment, they removed it from availability. Now, instead of NAC being sold by most outlets like GNC, it is available only by doctor’s prescription. Why? To remove the possibility of vaxxine victims acquiring remedial help for the vaxxine’ destruction of their body, mostly by blood clotting at the capillary level. Death will ensue around 6 – 12 months in most cases.
And graphene particles have been found contaminating face masks and the extended length nasal swabs used in both the PCR and antibody tests. So the fake test process contaminates your body, you have symptoms, you go to the doctor or hospital, they take care of the rest. They can put you on a respirator, which will kill you in about an hour or less. They can hospitalize you so they can increase the graphene titer of your body fluids. They can make you wear special masks that are heavily contaminated with graphene. They can put you in a state of fear to accept the motherlode of graphene in the form of the vaxx.
And graphene causes all kinds of blood clots that plague many COVID-19 patients who have undergone vaxxination.
Which led La Quinta Columna to conclude: “graphene oxide IS the alleged SARS-CoV-2, the ‘novel coronavirus’ that supposedly causes the disease known as COVID-19.”
Some might allege that COVID-19 preceded vaxxines. So, what was causing COVID-19 before the vaxxines? This entire scamdemic is a well planned conspiracy of many years prior to its public launch. Everyone knows that flus, influenza, grippe, colds, bronchitis pneumonia and other similar maladies have been seasonally present throughout their life-times. The seasonality is the result of sun exposure in different seasons, which dramatically affects vitamin D levels in the body, which vitally impacts the immune system’s ability to respond to threats.
Suddenly, all of the common forms of respiratory disease simply vanished, disappeared, no recorded cases this year…While at the exact same time, a new respiratory disease called covid-19 becomes exactly and equally prevalent having the exact same symptoms. How smart would one have to be to see that this is a simple gimmick of deceit. This alleged viral covid-19 is the flu, plain and simple. Well, this would be obvious. But, the flu is not feared for its mortality. What can be done to make this into a pandemic PANIC?
How about starting out by having the WHO, CDC, etc. hysterically hyping a new pandemic through all media sources in the world at the same time. Then, having only one way to test alarmed people who come to the hospital thinking their cold is the new covid-19. This is a ‘cracker jack box plastic toy’, the PCR, that can be set by the user to yield either ‘positive’ or ‘negative’ results, as they so choose. OK, what do we want to show the public first? Lots of ‘positive’ test results that we will call ‘cases’ and create a mountain of fake evidence to feed the mounting hysteria among people who now feel threatened for their lives based on falsely-created lies about ‘cases’.
Well, by definition, a pandemic is a world-wide event of enormous excess mortality. But who is counting? There is hysteria in the air. It’s not a pandemic by any definition, but the frightened people are not paying attention to this unfortunate detail.
What are we going to do about the billions of ‘cases’ that simply do not have any symptoms of disease? Let’s make up some story about ‘asymptomatic positives’. Yes, none of these people have any symptoms of disease, but we can claim that they are diseased, only just ‘asymptomatic’. We can claim they are carriers of the deadly viruses spread by infectious contagion, contaminating and killing others. After all, everyone knows that viruses are deadly germs that spread through the air, or from spittle, or toilet seats…don’t they?

The invisible viral germs are everywhere, as is commonly known, even by lay people who are not scientism experts, like Fauci. Now, we can’t take a chance on allowing people to mingle together, or, god forbid, get on the same airplane together. We must demand that they wear masks, and make them these special prescription masks that we have laced with graphene nano-fibers. They must also be ‘tested’ repeatedly with our ‘cracker jack toy’ that requires a super-long swab, also laced with graphene nano-fibers, that can rupture the cribriform plate, the brain barrier for the olfactory nerves. This is easily done with the long shaft of the test swab, allowing contamination of the brain by the nanofiber contaminants. Let’s make them get a covid vaxxine ‘passport’
A big problem has been the lack of mortality. Killing off old folks could increase the mortality statistics. Let’s go to the old folks’ homes and kill off the already dying. It’ll be easy and a quick boost for these uncooperative death statistics. Oh wait, death statistics are just paper documents. Put out the order that all ‘causes of death’ on all death certificates must be labeled “covid”. And by the way, go back and change the ‘cause of death’ on as many old death certificates as possible and reclassify them.
With all this, we still can’t validate a pandemic with published year-to-year death statistics in any country in the world. There is just no excess mortality to be found.
We need to roll out the vaxxines, although we want to make it look like this project will take a lot of time for development and testing.. Let’s call it project ‘warp speed’. We don’t need to have long safety trials. We can get the FDA to issue Emergency Use Only (EUO) approval and then just snow ball this as though this constitutes full approval. We can have a campaign to promote these ‘vaxxines’ as the life-saving pathways for the ‘return to normal’ that the fools are expecting.
Trouble again. Some researchers in Spain have proved that the vaxxine serums are over 99% graphene oxide, a toxic industrial nano-chemical. How are we going to neutralize this disastrous information?
Well, we can just play this as if its no new revelation at all. We can say “sure, we have been using graphene oxide forever, which, of course, is common knowledge that everyone already knows. That’s why we did not feel it necessary to even mention it before now. We are applying for the patents immediately because graphene oxide is the miracle break-through medicine of the future.
Graphene in nasally-installed vaccines for COVID-19 were experimentally tested in animals, not humans. There is no need to issue warnings to humans yet, although the animal testing was halted due to the fact that all the animals died.
Graphene is not listed as an ingredient in COVID-19 vaccines.

In response to La Quinta Columna’s bulletin, Pfizer Drug released a denial that any of its vaccines contain graphene oxide. “The allegation graphene is in any vaccines is unsupported by any evidence. Examination of the ingredients in Pfizer’s COVID-19 RNA vaccine does not include graphene”.

“The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine includes the following ingredients: mRNA, lipids ((4-hydroxybutyl)azanediyl)bis(hexane-6,1-diyl)bis(2-hexyldecanoate), 2 [(polyethylene glycol)-2000]-N,N-ditetradecylacetamide, 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-glycero-3- phosphocholine, and cholesterol), potassium chloride, monobasic potassium phosphate, sodium chloride, dibasic sodium phosphate dihydrate, and sucrose.” Is that clear enough for you?
Nor does graphene oxide appear on a list of ingredients published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for the Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaxxines.
This was the response I expected to see. Denial. I was surprised to see the ready admissions and “oh, of course we put this in. Doesn’t everybody?” This from the other cohorts selling vaxxines.

The denials ring hollow. The Spanish researchers tested all of the known available vaxxine serums. They found them all to be identical. They contain 99+% graphene oxide, a common, cheap industrial nano-chemical with known high toxicity in them all. This has rapidly been acknowledged by all of the suppliers except Pfizer. There is a liar here. Who do you think is the liar?

Graphene oxide doesn’t get a free pass like the vaccines

The COVID-19 vaccines are getting a total free-pass from the government public health safety ministries.

Graphene oxide has a dark side.
One authoritative study states:

“Graphene-based materials usually have sizes ranging from several to hundreds of nanometers and are 1-10 nanometers (one billionth of a meter) thick, which is also the definition of ‘nanoparticles’ or ‘nanomaterials.’ Due to their nano-size, graphene nanoparticles can reach deeper organs by passing through the normal physiological barriers, such as the blood-air barrier, blood-testis barrier, blood-brain barrier and blood-placental barrier.”
But is that good or bad?

Another report states:
Graphene family nanoparticles (GFNs) can induce acute and chronic injuries in tissues because they are submicroscopic, able to penetrate pretty much all barriers, blood-testis barrier, blood-brain barrier, blood-placenta barrier etc. and accumulate in the lung, liver, spleen, the respiratory tract, and they can easily penetrate through the tracheobronchial airways and then transit down to the lower lung airways, resulting in the subsequent formation of granulomas (small masses of inflamed tissue), lung fibrosis (scarring) and adverse health effects to exposed persons.
The toxicological mechanisms of GFNs, demonstrated in recent studies mainly contain inflammatory response, DNA damage, apoptosis (cell death), autophagy and necrosis (cell death) etc., and those mechanisms can be collected to further explore the complex signaling pathways network regulating the toxicity of GFNs.

Graphene family nanoparticles, for example, pass through the air-blood barrier and mainly accumulate and are retained in the lungs.
Due to its small size, high surface area and surface charge, GO possesses significant genotoxic properties and causes severe DNA damage, for example, chromosomal fragmentation, DNA strand breakages, point mutations, and oxidative DNA adducts and alterations. Given the increased exposure of humans to GFNs, the assessment of systemic toxicity in the human body is indispensable in future studies.”

Exposure to GFNs from aerosol spraying from aircraft has certainly been a long term situation in the US and other places where they want to poison people

The promise of graphene oxide

Graphene oxide (GO) is portrayed as a “novel vaccine nano-adjuvant for robust stimulation of cellular immunity.” I do not know who came up with this bullshit, but it is just that…bullshit. Another report published in the journal Nanomaterials says: “Nanomaterials comprising functionalized nanoparticles (NPs) and quantum dots and nanotechnology-associated innovative detection methods, vaccine design, and nanodrug production have shown immense promise for interfacing with pathogenic viruses and restricting their entrance into cells.” This is just more bullshit. Not true at all.

“Nanocarrier/NP-based delivery systems can generally protect nano-vaccines from premature degradation, increase stability, have excellent adjuvant properties, and may help in the targeted/controlled delivery of immunogens to antigen-presenting cells (APCs).” More fabricated bullshit.

“NPs could produce remarkable amounts of neutralizing antibodies against the homologous virus, NPs may be a promising and effective prophylactic approach against MERS-CoV infection (Covid-19).” This is sheer desperation, folks. Not a word has any voracity.

Furthermore, graphene oxide has been shown to clear beta amyloid plaque from aging brain cells (lab dish study)???
But wait.
That report goes on to state: “Besides these, nanostructures possess other exceptional properties” which includes “their capacities to mimic the viruses in terms of structure or size without requiring a real infection!”

OMG: Doesn’t that say nano-sized particles like graphene oxide CAN be mistaken for the virus? Even more absurd bullshit.
At relatively high doses graphene oxide can induce heart problems in developing embryos (animal study).

Graphene may be excreted via the kidneys where it can concentrate and become toxic (animal study).

High concentrations of GO are toxic for the lung, liver, and spleen.”

Researchers report that GO may “reduce lifespan in roundworms.”
While graphene oxide may inhibit formation of abnormal blood vessels, (a biological process called angiogenesis, which is a common feature of cancer and macular degeneration, over inhibition of angiogenesis may impair wound healing.
These studies and reports are all for one purpose…confusion, obfuscation. So, you might think it is normal, or OK for them to put a full dose of it in your body and lie to you about what it is, and what toxic and eventually lethal effects it will have. They are even now working on monthly injection programs, so you will remain highly toxic before dying within two years, or so.

But there's more to this...This just in… The European Society of Medicine publishes a report that states: “COVID-19 Attributed Cases and Deaths are Statistically Higher in States and Counties with 5th Generation Millimeter Wave Wireless Telecommunications in the United States.”

This could just be coincidence. So, are tennis shoes the cause of the accidents? Obviously no, they are just involved, they are not the cause.

When we see plant-life affected by 5G, then we might have conclusive visual evidence of its toxicity. Are millions of dead birds dropping dead from the sky when near 5G towers not a good enough warning? The real threat posed by 5G are the robots that will be remotely controlled to take millions of jobs away from workers. OOPs…the graphene oxide vaxxines have depopulated America and Europe. There are now no buyers with any need of the goods being produced by the dead workers whose jobs were taken by the robots.

I've done the right research and joined all the dots at last.. It all makes sense now. Bnet was right all along!

An online source from Spain called La Quinta Columna (The Fifth Column) posts a report that reveals:

Graphene oxide, a single cell layer of graphite with oxygen-carrying properties, that comprises literally over 99% of the content of COVID vaxxine serums, is the real “COVID-19 coronavirus disease.” Just that simple.

Because, as the report reveals, all of the major COVID vaxxine vials, AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna, Sinovac, Janssen, Johnson & Johnson, etc. contain the identical same contents… of over 99% graphene oxide nanochemicals, therefore these vaccines are “the virus”.

Which is why no one has been able to isolate the virus. Because it isn’t a virus. There is no virus.

Which is why COVID-19 results in a metallic taste in the mouth and magneto properties within the victim’s body.

And induces the loss of smell and taste via increased mucus secretions, says the report,
Furthermore, according to La Quinta Columna, the intranasal versions are also 99+% graphene oxide nanoparticles.

Which is why 5G radiation from cell phone towers are in full-ahead installation to activate “COVID-19” from remote locations via graphene oxide response to the absorption band frequency of 5G microwave energy. That is why the 5G radiation sources are installed in such enormous quantities and in such close proximity to structures housing humans. Photos show 5G tower installers putting Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) into the 5G systems that are labeled COVID19 in etched copper. With the ‘smart meter’, all of the household wiring in your house or building can be used as a massive power grid antenna, effectively putting you inside a microwave oven.
Because the electron absorption band for graphene oxide is in the same frequency range as 5G radiation.
And coincidentally GO-COVID started in Wuhan, China where 5G radiation was being rolled out,
Which is why GO-COVID-19 degrades a master antioxidant, called glutathione, in living human cells.
Which is why children don’t get GO-COVID because they have high levels of glutathione.
Which is why the FDA recently ordered N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) to be removed from vitamin store shelves, because it dramatically restores glutathione levels. The day prior to this information becoming public, Amazon was a source of NAC supplements. At that moment, they removed it from availability. Now, instead of NAC being sold by most outlets like GNC, it is available only by doctor’s prescription. Why? To remove the possibility of vaxxine victims acquiring remedial help for the vaxxine’ destruction of their body, mostly by blood clotting at the capillary level. Death will ensue around 6 – 12 months in most cases.
And graphene particles have been found contaminating face masks and the extended length nasal swabs used in both the PCR and antibody tests. So the fake test process contaminates your body, you have symptoms, you go to the doctor or hospital, they take care of the rest. They can put you on a respirator, which will kill you in about an hour or less. They can hospitalize you so they can increase the graphene titer of your body fluids. They can make you wear special masks that are heavily contaminated with graphene. They can put you in a state of fear to accept the motherlode of graphene in the form of the vaxx.
And graphene causes all kinds of blood clots that plague many COVID-19 patients who have undergone vaxxination.
Which led La Quinta Columna to conclude: “graphene oxide IS the alleged SARS-CoV-2, the ‘novel coronavirus’ that supposedly causes the disease known as COVID-19.”
Some might allege that COVID-19 preceded vaxxines. So, what was causing COVID-19 before the vaxxines? This entire scamdemic is a well planned conspiracy of many years prior to its public launch. Everyone knows that flus, influenza, grippe, colds, bronchitis pneumonia and other similar maladies have been seasonally present throughout their life-times. The seasonality is the result of sun exposure in different seasons, which dramatically affects vitamin D levels in the body, which vitally impacts the immune system’s ability to respond to threats.
Suddenly, all of the common forms of respiratory disease simply vanished, disappeared, no recorded cases this year…While at the exact same time, a new respiratory disease called covid-19 becomes exactly and equally prevalent having the exact same symptoms. How smart would one have to be to see that this is a simple gimmick of deceit. This alleged viral covid-19 is the flu, plain and simple. Well, this would be obvious. But, the flu is not feared for its mortality. What can be done to make this into a pandemic PANIC?
How about starting out by having the WHO, CDC, etc. hysterically hyping a new pandemic through all media sources in the world at the same time. Then, having only one way to test alarmed people who come to the hospital thinking their cold is the new covid-19. This is a ‘cracker jack box plastic toy’, the PCR, that can be set by the user to yield either ‘positive’ or ‘negative’ results, as they so choose. OK, what do we want to show the public first? Lots of ‘positive’ test results that we will call ‘cases’ and create a mountain of fake evidence to feed the mounting hysteria among people who now feel threatened for their lives based on falsely-created lies about ‘cases’.
Well, by definition, a pandemic is a world-wide event of enormous excess mortality. But who is counting? There is hysteria in the air. It’s not a pandemic by any definition, but the frightened people are not paying attention to this unfortunate detail.
What are we going to do about the billions of ‘cases’ that simply do not have any symptoms of disease? Let’s make up some story about ‘asymptomatic positives’. Yes, none of these people have any symptoms of disease, but we can claim that they are diseased, only just ‘asymptomatic’. We can claim they are carriers of the deadly viruses spread by infectious contagion, contaminating and killing others. After all, everyone knows that viruses are deadly germs that spread through the air, or from spittle, or toilet seats…don’t they?

The invisible viral germs are everywhere, as is commonly known, even by lay people who are not scientism experts, like Fauci. Now, we can’t take a chance on allowing people to mingle together, or, god forbid, get on the same airplane together. We must demand that they wear masks, and make them these special prescription masks that we have laced with graphene nano-fibers. They must also be ‘tested’ repeatedly with our ‘cracker jack toy’ that requires a super-long swab, also laced with graphene nano-fibers, that can rupture the cribriform plate, the brain barrier for the olfactory nerves. This is easily done with the long shaft of the test swab, allowing contamination of the brain by the nanofiber contaminants. Let’s make them get a covid vaxxine ‘passport’
A big problem has been the lack of mortality. Killing off old folks could increase the mortality statistics. Let’s go to the old folks’ homes and kill off the already dying. It’ll be easy and a quick boost for these uncooperative death statistics. Oh wait, death statistics are just paper documents. Put out the order that all ‘causes of death’ on all death certificates must be labeled “covid”. And by the way, go back and change the ‘cause of death’ on as many old death certificates as possible and reclassify them.
With all this, we still can’t validate a pandemic with published year-to-year death statistics in any country in the world. There is just no excess mortality to be found.
We need to roll out the vaxxines, although we want to make it look like this project will take a lot of time for development and testing.. Let’s call it project ‘warp speed’. We don’t need to have long safety trials. We can get the FDA to issue Emergency Use Only (EUO) approval and then just snow ball this as though this constitutes full approval. We can have a campaign to promote these ‘vaxxines’ as the life-saving pathways for the ‘return to normal’ that the fools are expecting.
Trouble again. Some researchers in Spain have proved that the vaxxine serums are over 99% graphene oxide, a toxic industrial nano-chemical. How are we going to neutralize this disastrous information?
Well, we can just play this as if its no new revelation at all. We can say “sure, we have been using graphene oxide forever, which, of course, is common knowledge that everyone already knows. That’s why we did not feel it necessary to even mention it before now. We are applying for the patents immediately because graphene oxide is the miracle break-through medicine of the future.
Graphene in nasally-installed vaccines for COVID-19 were experimentally tested in animals, not humans. There is no need to issue warnings to humans yet, although the animal testing was halted due to the fact that all the animals died.
Graphene is not listed as an ingredient in COVID-19 vaccines.

In response to La Quinta Columna’s bulletin, Pfizer Drug released a denial that any of its vaccines contain graphene oxide. “The allegation graphene is in any vaccines is unsupported by any evidence. Examination of the ingredients in Pfizer’s COVID-19 RNA vaccine does not include graphene”.

“The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine includes the following ingredients: mRNA, lipids ((4-hydroxybutyl)azanediyl)bis(hexane-6,1-diyl)bis(2-hexyldecanoate), 2 [(polyethylene glycol)-2000]-N,N-ditetradecylacetamide, 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-glycero-3- phosphocholine, and cholesterol), potassium chloride, monobasic potassium phosphate, sodium chloride, dibasic sodium phosphate dihydrate, and sucrose.” Is that clear enough for you?
Nor does graphene oxide appear on a list of ingredients published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for the Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaxxines.
This was the response I expected to see. Denial. I was surprised to see the ready admissions and “oh, of course we put this in. Doesn’t everybody?” This from the other cohorts selling vaxxines.

The denials ring hollow. The Spanish researchers tested all of the known available vaxxine serums. They found them all to be identical. They contain 99+% graphene oxide, a common, cheap industrial nano-chemical with known high toxicity in them all. This has rapidly been acknowledged by all of the suppliers except Pfizer. There is a liar here. Who do you think is the liar?

Graphene oxide doesn’t get a free pass like the vaccines

The COVID-19 vaccines are getting a total free-pass from the government public health safety ministries.

Graphene oxide has a dark side.
One authoritative study states:

“Graphene-based materials usually have sizes ranging from several to hundreds of nanometers and are 1-10 nanometers (one billionth of a meter) thick, which is also the definition of ‘nanoparticles’ or ‘nanomaterials.’ Due to their nano-size, graphene nanoparticles can reach deeper organs by passing through the normal physiological barriers, such as the blood-air barrier, blood-testis barrier, blood-brain barrier and blood-placental barrier.”
But is that good or bad?

Another report states:
Graphene family nanoparticles (GFNs) can induce acute and chronic injuries in tissues because they are submicroscopic, able to penetrate pretty much all barriers, blood-testis barrier, blood-brain barrier, blood-placenta barrier etc. and accumulate in the lung, liver, spleen, the respiratory tract, and they can easily penetrate through the tracheobronchial airways and then transit down to the lower lung airways, resulting in the subsequent formation of granulomas (small masses of inflamed tissue), lung fibrosis (scarring) and adverse health effects to exposed persons.
The toxicological mechanisms of GFNs, demonstrated in recent studies mainly contain inflammatory response, DNA damage, apoptosis (cell death), autophagy and necrosis (cell death) etc., and those mechanisms can be collected to further explore the complex signaling pathways network regulating the toxicity of GFNs.

Graphene family nanoparticles, for example, pass through the air-blood barrier and mainly accumulate and are retained in the lungs.
Due to its small size, high surface area and surface charge, GO possesses significant genotoxic properties and causes severe DNA damage, for example, chromosomal fragmentation, DNA strand breakages, point mutations, and oxidative DNA adducts and alterations. Given the increased exposure of humans to GFNs, the assessment of systemic toxicity in the human body is indispensable in future studies.”

Exposure to GFNs from aerosol spraying from aircraft has certainly been a long term situation in the US and other places where they want to poison people

The promise of graphene oxide

Graphene oxide (GO) is portrayed as a “novel vaccine nano-adjuvant for robust stimulation of cellular immunity.” I do not know who came up with this bullshit, but it is just that…bullshit. Another report published in the journal Nanomaterials says: “Nanomaterials comprising functionalized nanoparticles (NPs) and quantum dots and nanotechnology-associated innovative detection methods, vaccine design, and nanodrug production have shown immense promise for interfacing with pathogenic viruses and restricting their entrance into cells.” This is just more bullshit. Not true at all.

“Nanocarrier/NP-based delivery systems can generally protect nano-vaccines from premature degradation, increase stability, have excellent adjuvant properties, and may help in the targeted/controlled delivery of immunogens to antigen-presenting cells (APCs).” More fabricated bullshit.

“NPs could produce remarkable amounts of neutralizing antibodies against the homologous virus, NPs may be a promising and effective prophylactic approach against MERS-CoV infection (Covid-19).” This is sheer desperation, folks. Not a word has any voracity.

Furthermore, graphene oxide has been shown to clear beta amyloid plaque from aging brain cells (lab dish study)???
But wait.
That report goes on to state: “Besides these, nanostructures possess other exceptional properties” which includes “their capacities to mimic the viruses in terms of structure or size without requiring a real infection!”

OMG: Doesn’t that say nano-sized particles like graphene oxide CAN be mistaken for the virus? Even more absurd bullshit.
At relatively high doses graphene oxide can induce heart problems in developing embryos (animal study).

Graphene may be excreted via the kidneys where it can concentrate and become toxic (animal study).

High concentrations of GO are toxic for the lung, liver, and spleen.”

Researchers report that GO may “reduce lifespan in roundworms.”
While graphene oxide may inhibit formation of abnormal blood vessels, (a biological process called angiogenesis, which is a common feature of cancer and macular degeneration, over inhibition of angiogenesis may impair wound healing.
These studies and reports are all for one purpose…confusion, obfuscation. So, you might think it is normal, or OK for them to put a full dose of it in your body and lie to you about what it is, and what toxic and eventually lethal effects it will have. They are even now working on monthly injection programs, so you will remain highly toxic before dying within two years, or so.

But there's more to this...This just in… The European Society of Medicine publishes a report that states: “COVID-19 Attributed Cases and Deaths are Statistically Higher in States and Counties with 5th Generation Millimeter Wave Wireless Telecommunications in the United States.”

This could just be coincidence. So, are tennis shoes the cause of the accidents? Obviously no, they are just involved, they are not the cause.

When we see plant-life affected by 5G, then we might have conclusive visual evidence of its toxicity. Are millions of dead birds dropping dead from the sky when near 5G towers not a good enough warning? The real threat posed by 5G are the robots that will be remotely controlled to take millions of jobs away from workers. OOPs…the graphene oxide vaxxines have depopulated America and Europe. There are now no buyers with any need of the goods being produced by the dead workers whose jobs were taken by the robots.

Get yourself and family jabbed up. Glad I’ve occupied you haggled mind enough to spent time searching something from the police policing the police and copied and pasted it.

Hackney, comes in with a cowardly cyber kick. Wonder why he won’t back his words up about Russiagate, are you embarrassed enough yet Hackney ?
Sorry I was wrong is all you need to say. It’s called “honesty” you may have heard people talk about it, normal people like to apply it where possible to their life’s, give it a shot !
I've found more!

This is very worrying. I am going to cancel my booster having read this. Its far worse than even Bnet has correctly predicted.

I fear it may be too late for my family as we are already double jabbed.

This is from Alexis Bugnolo, an American-born Franciscan priest living in Rome who is also spearheading a campaign to unseat Pope Francis:

Friar Alexis Bugnolo Says 2 Billion Dead in the Next Year.

Bugnolo says that this is it. We’re in the Apocalypse and he estimates some 2 billion people will die from what he calls the “Death Vaxx” in this first phase of UN Agenda 2025.​

He says that over the next few months, the immune systems of those who have been injected will progressively degrade, with symptoms mimicking AIDS and he cautions people not to live with or be in close contact with those who are vaxxinated, to avoid infection with the deadly spike proteins and genetically-modified hydras, which can be transmitted via shedding from saliva, mucosa, blood, tears, sweat, etc., for example.

He says the vaxx is not only to kill those specifically targeted for death, but to massively reduce the world population in general, by poisoning and suppressing natural immunity. Some can be genetically re-engineered, while alive, by the Globalists, using dose after dose of the vaccine and eventually, some sort of 5G technology bearing some form of control technology.”

It appears the Plandemic has been in the works for at least 40 years, without anyone realizing what they were up to. “They basically want to totally re-engineer the biology of the human being and they want to exterminate the ‘natural’ human beings altogether to achieve massive population reduction.
“Now, we can see what the real meaning of the ‘New World Order’ is, we can see It isn’t the super-wealthy owning everything, the New World Order is to take humanity itself, as a natural resource, in the sense of making it an object of economic activity, legally owned and patented.

“This is way beyond slavery. They want to make human beings legally-owned properties. They have carefully patented everything they are injecting into your body, which is recombinant and can no longer be separated from you. Your own body will be used for whatever they want it to be used for, whether it’s sex, creating medicines, slave labor, growing replacement organ parts for their children and themselves. By virtue of their patents, you are property, which they legally own.

“We are talking about You, personally, not just your tissues, grown in a laboratory. You personally will be their slave, their robot, their organ-harvesting plant”.

“They’ll be farming you and they’ll be able to change your genetics at will, on a daily basis and this is their objective. Now, most people will not live through this experiment. Most of the 3 billion who have taken the vaxx are obviously going to die. Whether you’ve gotten one dose of the real vaxxine, or you’ve gotten 7 doses, you are on a death path. You are ‘walking dead’. It’s only a matter of time. UN Agenda 2025 ends in year 2025. Then Agenda 2030 continues for the next phase, ending in 2030. They have no need for 8 billion eating and shitting human bodies. They will make the population be what they need it to be. Most likely under 500 million.
If you haven’t taken the vaxx, you are an intelligent person, the last refuge of humanity. You are one of the few who will carry on the human race until the end of time. They know this, but they must be sure that you are truly a member of this category. The test continues, with however many Greek alphabet letters are available to be called ‘variants’, to generate more fear based on more fake threats, to drive the weak into the vaxx lines leading to the grave.

“The death-vaxxed will not be able to conceive human children. Their children will be genetically-modified and remote controlled, so we are at a great parting, here: A small group of Humanity goes in one direction and those who allowed themselves to be fooled by the UN Agenda 2000 have been eternally imprisoned already, biologically, while most are dead.

“I don’t see, from the situation being revealed, that it’s possible to save someone. Once vaxxed, you are not only legally-owned property, but you are already in an irreversible death spiral.”
Independent Doctors and experts have examined the contents of the serum vials and discovered unbelievably diabolical things. “There’s the hydras, that are genetically-modified so they can live in your blood and in your lymph fluids and meld with your cells and change your genes and they’ll just go on multiplying in your graphene oxide titrated blood. There no longer exists a viable immune system to seek and destroy harmful foreign invading entities in your blood stream.

“The vaxx turns off your immune suppression of metastatic cancer cells, so cancer is going to begin claiming cells through out you body. It turns off certain genes your immune system uses to protect the body from attacking itself. Your body no longer can distinguish native from foreign entities, so it attacks everything. Nothing is available to prevent GMO genetic-modification and reengineering of those who have been vaxxinated. Many in the recently vaxx’d category have yet to feel what is slowly developing within their body. They erroneously believe they are on their way back to “normal”. The ubermensch intend that the correlation between the injection and the adverse effects will be sufficient so as to make it possible to float a narrative isolating the injection from the infection. How many times can they pull this variant bullshit off? It depends on only two things: how many extremely ignorant victims remain available and how many letters remain unused of the Greek alphabet.

“So, the ubermensch will kill 2 or 3 billion but that’s only their first objective for UN Agenda 2025. The New World Order means that humanity now is in a new economic frontier. They have abandoned all human sense of morality and now look upon you as something lower than a milk cow. In the case of a milk cow, at least you want the genes to be high quality, and healthy, so you get nice milk. But these people don’t even want that. They want you to be their genetically-engineered robot unless or until they don’t want you to exist anymore.

“So, this is beyond any measure of psychopathy that I know if and this is so insidious, intelligent, well-planned and so controlled that I believe everyone, like it or not, has to recognize that the uber-humans are behind this.

“Looking at this from the perspective of uber-beings who hate the world as it is, who hate the creation of the humans, and see the only way to protect and save the planet is by, first of all, massive reduction of the human population, followed by a social system that does not permit the on-going resumption of the destruction of the planet by the surviving humans. They intend to take possession and control of the planet, in its very essence. Humans, unlike all other creatures habituating the planet, are irrationally destructive. They will kill indiscriminately, massively over consume resources with no thoughts for future sustainability, they will fill the oceans to the top and destroy all life to hide their shit, they will destroy the climate, the atmosphere and all forms of plant and animal life that are essential to human life. They believe they have science and can control the planet to convert it to be more convenient. This list goes on and on, but anyone with sufficient intelligence to qualify as a survivor can finish filling in this list.
Who is the creator god who always hated humans? It is Enlil, of course, also known as Yahweh or Jehovah. When is Enlil apt to return to this planet? In about 600 years from now. The blue-bloods were designed and endowed with the right to rule over humans, as gods, in perpetuity. When, the day comes, they need to have a presentable order running smoothly, bearing fruit while they reign as gods on Earth…

“We’ve clearly moved from reality to the Twilight Zone. This is no metaphor. We are in Armageddon. This was written of by the creator gods in their cuneiform tablets, that have been rediscovered by archeologists in huge numbers. These tablets are the basis for the bibles, written by the jewish priests, the clan of Shem, who followed the Lord Enlil, who promised them they are to be the inheritors of the earth and the ‘chosen people’. They needed to write the bibles to proclaim it so, for the eyes of the goyim.

“All of the apparent past evil of Hitler, Mao Zedong, Pol Pot, Marx, Stalin, Churchill, Rosenvelt, etc. has been at the behest of the uber-humans, as part of their plan to keep the human population in check. World Wars are small potatoes compared to what is taking place today. Other prior RESETS have occurred on a regular basis over the past 3,000 years. Horrible murderers and very wicked men were at work, but this is way beyond that. This is taking evil to a level that we have never seen in the history of humanity, that no human mind would have ever contemplated. The human mind is terribly limited and flawed. It can see nothing more than grandiosity on its own part. It can conquer Mother Nature, it can conquer the frontiers of space, time, biology, micro-biology, health, economics and so on. Except for one problem. It is delusional and unable to understand even the first thing about any aspect of real science. It thinks it can go to space by blowing up super-sized Chinese fireworks that are incapable of leaving the atmosphere. The ignorant people believe it all, so it must be true, right?

“There’s been a lot of talk of us, who are not vaxxed being put in concentration camps but I think that’s less likely to be the case, because the vaxxed will be dead before they’ll be able to execute it. It’s not like they’re going to use unvaxxed people to put other unvaxxed in concentration camps. They will use vaxxed people and these people only have about another 6 to 12 months to live.

“The position of those who are not vaxxed is much stronger. This death-vaxx is going to be very horrible for most of them, those who can see what is going down and realize that they are among those who will be going down next. That realization is going to be a tough one to swallow. However, those who are death-vaxxed will be in panic and of little further use to the ubermensch or themselves.

“So we are at a Great Parting, where humanity goes one way, the death-vaxxed go another and I think once people realize what’s going on, we’re going to see a lot more civil strife, considering that these death vaxxes have genetically-modified hydras in them that can seep through fluids – it is not yet clear if they can come out of your lymph fluids and your blood into your sweat or your saliva or other fluids of that sort, but I would strongly recommend not touching anyone who’s vaxxed, avoiding having any physical contact with them and I would strongly suggest you stop living in a house with them, because you could pick up their saliva from a fork, a knife, a cup and who knows what the result would be. It would probably be your death. Keep on mind that these hydra and graphene are submicroscopic, and can only be viewed using the latest scanning electron microscopes. That is the reason why it took a long time for independent researchers to analyze the content of the vaxx serum. These electron microscopes are available on government budgets, but no so much on independent researcher’s budgets. Masks, distancing and antibacterial slime are of no use at all here.

“Exercise extreme caution and try to do what you can to accept psychologically what’s now going to happen, because it’s much worse than you think. Many families have loved ones who are vaxxed. They are all doomed and it is not going to be easy to deal with their deaths.
“We, who are not vaxxed have to survive. Those of you who are married or marriageable, need to have children, because humanity, itself is under such an existential threat. Measures to create infertility and non-viable copulation are extensive and wide-spread. It is only a matter of a few years before total sterility will be the norm among humans.
“I think the governments that are pushing this are going to collapse by design. Of course, it is going to be far far easier to manage the existence of 500 million humans than the current 8 billion. Governments, in the plural, are not going to be a part of the NWO, which is a singularity in terms.

You must get into to the countryside, grow food, get a water supply, and arm yourself. Make friendships with other people who are not vaxxed and be prepared to take over the civil control of your local area, because it’s going to go down quick, now.

“I think we’re on a roller coaster ride, on that steep slope, and now through Christmas might be the last months of semi-normality in the ‘Western Nations’. Like in Africa, where they were smart enough not to start vaxxinating people, they’re going to end up the ones that outlive this, whereas foolish nations, like the US, Canada, Britain, Europe, Australia and NZ, who have 50 percent or more vaxxination ratios will be annihilated. They are the targets of UN Agenda 2025, the first phase.
“If you are associating with clergy who are pushing the vaxx, I strongly recommend you stop going to their churches.

You can’t live with people who are vaxxed. You end up with your health destroyed because these things are just going to start oozing out of them. Nothing they can about it.

“I hate to say it, because it is the consequence of what this Death-Vaxx does. It’s going to destroy human society. Husbands are going to have to leave their wives and children their parents and if you are Death-Vaxxed, don’t kiss your kids! You’re going to spread all that to them and even if they’re not Death-Vaxxed, they’ll end up dying.

“You are a walking bag of horrible technological and infectious agents and I hate to say this, but this is what the Globalists have done to you and this is what you’ve done to yourself by rolling up your sleeve. They have steeped you in ignorance and advantaged themselves with your ignorance. You have been easily taken in, and the consequences are inevitable.

“And don’t blame us for being prejudiced. I mean, this is a plague now. What’s in the vaxx is the Plague of Plagues, because it’s not just something that kills you, it destroys humanity and could end up destroying all of humanity if it spreads to the whole world. It has nothing to do with virus. It has to do with toxic injections.

You can certainly adopt a health and wellness program. That is really your only solution, but it is, and always has been, the only real solution. Its just that you have never been educated on the subject. In fact, you have been dis-educated your entire life, and it’s a little late in the game to do much about it now.
“And this also makes it difficult for us, who go to stores and buy things. You’re buying vegetables and fruits from people who’ve been Death-Vaxxed? They’ve touched it with their hands? Don’t eat any raw vegetables from the markets. Grow your own foods, organically, and learn how to preserve them for long term storage.
Start thinking about all the consequences. They’re horrible. If you don’t recognize this new reality, and take necessary precautions, you will be dead. It’s just that simple. At this moment, ignorant people will laugh at you. Good, let them laugh.
I've done the right research and joined all the dots at last.. It all makes sense now. Bnet was right all along!

An online source from Spain called La Quinta Columna (The Fifth Column) posts a report that reveals:

Graphene oxide, a single cell layer of graphite with oxygen-carrying properties, that comprises literally over 99% of the content of COVID vaxxine serums, is the real “COVID-19 coronavirus disease.” Just that simple.

Because, as the report reveals, all of the major COVID vaxxine vials, AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna, Sinovac, Janssen, Johnson & Johnson, etc. contain the identical same contents… of over 99% graphene oxide nanochemicals, therefore these vaccines are “the virus”.

Which is why no one has been able to isolate the virus. Because it isn’t a virus. There is no virus.

Which is why COVID-19 results in a metallic taste in the mouth and magneto properties within the victim’s body.

And induces the loss of smell and taste via increased mucus secretions, says the report,
Furthermore, according to La Quinta Columna, the intranasal versions are also 99+% graphene oxide nanoparticles.

Which is why 5G radiation from cell phone towers are in full-ahead installation to activate “COVID-19” from remote locations via graphene oxide response to the absorption band frequency of 5G microwave energy. That is why the 5G radiation sources are installed in such enormous quantities and in such close proximity to structures housing humans. Photos show 5G tower installers putting Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) into the 5G systems that are labeled COVID19 in etched copper. With the ‘smart meter’, all of the household wiring in your house or building can be used as a massive power grid antenna, effectively putting you inside a microwave oven.
Because the electron absorption band for graphene oxide is in the same frequency range as 5G radiation.
And coincidentally GO-COVID started in Wuhan, China where 5G radiation was being rolled out,
Which is why GO-COVID-19 degrades a master antioxidant, called glutathione, in living human cells.
Which is why children don’t get GO-COVID because they have high levels of glutathione.
Which is why the FDA recently ordered N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) to be removed from vitamin store shelves, because it dramatically restores glutathione levels. The day prior to this information becoming public, Amazon was a source of NAC supplements. At that moment, they removed it from availability. Now, instead of NAC being sold by most outlets like GNC, it is available only by doctor’s prescription. Why? To remove the possibility of vaxxine victims acquiring remedial help for the vaxxine’ destruction of their body, mostly by blood clotting at the capillary level. Death will ensue around 6 – 12 months in most cases.
And graphene particles have been found contaminating face masks and the extended length nasal swabs used in both the PCR and antibody tests. So the fake test process contaminates your body, you have symptoms, you go to the doctor or hospital, they take care of the rest. They can put you on a respirator, which will kill you in about an hour or less. They can hospitalize you so they can increase the graphene titer of your body fluids. They can make you wear special masks that are heavily contaminated with graphene. They can put you in a state of fear to accept the motherlode of graphene in the form of the vaxx.
And graphene causes all kinds of blood clots that plague many COVID-19 patients who have undergone vaxxination.
Which led La Quinta Columna to conclude: “graphene oxide IS the alleged SARS-CoV-2, the ‘novel coronavirus’ that supposedly causes the disease known as COVID-19.”
Some might allege that COVID-19 preceded vaxxines. So, what was causing COVID-19 before the vaxxines? This entire scamdemic is a well planned conspiracy of many years prior to its public launch. Everyone knows that flus, influenza, grippe, colds, bronchitis pneumonia and other similar maladies have been seasonally present throughout their life-times. The seasonality is the result of sun exposure in different seasons, which dramatically affects vitamin D levels in the body, which vitally impacts the immune system’s ability to respond to threats.
Suddenly, all of the common forms of respiratory disease simply vanished, disappeared, no recorded cases this year…While at the exact same time, a new respiratory disease called covid-19 becomes exactly and equally prevalent having the exact same symptoms. How smart would one have to be to see that this is a simple gimmick of deceit. This alleged viral covid-19 is the flu, plain and simple. Well, this would be obvious. But, the flu is not feared for its mortality. What can be done to make this into a pandemic PANIC?
How about starting out by having the WHO, CDC, etc. hysterically hyping a new pandemic through all media sources in the world at the same time. Then, having only one way to test alarmed people who come to the hospital thinking their cold is the new covid-19. This is a ‘cracker jack box plastic toy’, the PCR, that can be set by the user to yield either ‘positive’ or ‘negative’ results, as they so choose. OK, what do we want to show the public first? Lots of ‘positive’ test results that we will call ‘cases’ and create a mountain of fake evidence to feed the mounting hysteria among people who now feel threatened for their lives based on falsely-created lies about ‘cases’.
Well, by definition, a pandemic is a world-wide event of enormous excess mortality. But who is counting? There is hysteria in the air. It’s not a pandemic by any definition, but the frightened people are not paying attention to this unfortunate detail.
What are we going to do about the billions of ‘cases’ that simply do not have any symptoms of disease? Let’s make up some story about ‘asymptomatic positives’. Yes, none of these people have any symptoms of disease, but we can claim that they are diseased, only just ‘asymptomatic’. We can claim they are carriers of the deadly viruses spread by infectious contagion, contaminating and killing others. After all, everyone knows that viruses are deadly germs that spread through the air, or from spittle, or toilet seats…don’t they?

The invisible viral germs are everywhere, as is commonly known, even by lay people who are not scientism experts, like Fauci. Now, we can’t take a chance on allowing people to mingle together, or, god forbid, get on the same airplane together. We must demand that they wear masks, and make them these special prescription masks that we have laced with graphene nano-fibers. They must also be ‘tested’ repeatedly with our ‘cracker jack toy’ that requires a super-long swab, also laced with graphene nano-fibers, that can rupture the cribriform plate, the brain barrier for the olfactory nerves. This is easily done with the long shaft of the test swab, allowing contamination of the brain by the nanofiber contaminants. Let’s make them get a covid vaxxine ‘passport’
A big problem has been the lack of mortality. Killing off old folks could increase the mortality statistics. Let’s go to the old folks’ homes and kill off the already dying. It’ll be easy and a quick boost for these uncooperative death statistics. Oh wait, death statistics are just paper documents. Put out the order that all ‘causes of death’ on all death certificates must be labeled “covid”. And by the way, go back and change the ‘cause of death’ on as many old death certificates as possible and reclassify them.
With all this, we still can’t validate a pandemic with published year-to-year death statistics in any country in the world. There is just no excess mortality to be found.
We need to roll out the vaxxines, although we want to make it look like this project will take a lot of time for development and testing.. Let’s call it project ‘warp speed’. We don’t need to have long safety trials. We can get the FDA to issue Emergency Use Only (EUO) approval and then just snow ball this as though this constitutes full approval. We can have a campaign to promote these ‘vaxxines’ as the life-saving pathways for the ‘return to normal’ that the fools are expecting.
Trouble again. Some researchers in Spain have proved that the vaxxine serums are over 99% graphene oxide, a toxic industrial nano-chemical. How are we going to neutralize this disastrous information?
Well, we can just play this as if its no new revelation at all. We can say “sure, we have been using graphene oxide forever, which, of course, is common knowledge that everyone already knows. That’s why we did not feel it necessary to even mention it before now. We are applying for the patents immediately because graphene oxide is the miracle break-through medicine of the future.
Graphene in nasally-installed vaccines for COVID-19 were experimentally tested in animals, not humans. There is no need to issue warnings to humans yet, although the animal testing was halted due to the fact that all the animals died.
Graphene is not listed as an ingredient in COVID-19 vaccines.

In response to La Quinta Columna’s bulletin, Pfizer Drug released a denial that any of its vaccines contain graphene oxide. “The allegation graphene is in any vaccines is unsupported by any evidence. Examination of the ingredients in Pfizer’s COVID-19 RNA vaccine does not include graphene”.

“The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine includes the following ingredients: mRNA, lipids ((4-hydroxybutyl)azanediyl)bis(hexane-6,1-diyl)bis(2-hexyldecanoate), 2 [(polyethylene glycol)-2000]-N,N-ditetradecylacetamide, 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-glycero-3- phosphocholine, and cholesterol), potassium chloride, monobasic potassium phosphate, sodium chloride, dibasic sodium phosphate dihydrate, and sucrose.” Is that clear enough for you?
Nor does graphene oxide appear on a list of ingredients published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for the Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaxxines.
This was the response I expected to see. Denial. I was surprised to see the ready admissions and “oh, of course we put this in. Doesn’t everybody?” This from the other cohorts selling vaxxines.

The denials ring hollow. The Spanish researchers tested all of the known available vaxxine serums. They found them all to be identical. They contain 99+% graphene oxide, a common, cheap industrial nano-chemical with known high toxicity in them all. This has rapidly been acknowledged by all of the suppliers except Pfizer. There is a liar here. Who do you think is the liar?

Graphene oxide doesn’t get a free pass like the vaccines

The COVID-19 vaccines are getting a total free-pass from the government public health safety ministries.

Graphene oxide has a dark side.
One authoritative study states:

“Graphene-based materials usually have sizes ranging from several to hundreds of nanometers and are 1-10 nanometers (one billionth of a meter) thick, which is also the definition of ‘nanoparticles’ or ‘nanomaterials.’ Due to their nano-size, graphene nanoparticles can reach deeper organs by passing through the normal physiological barriers, such as the blood-air barrier, blood-testis barrier, blood-brain barrier and blood-placental barrier.”
But is that good or bad?

Another report states:
Graphene family nanoparticles (GFNs) can induce acute and chronic injuries in tissues because they are submicroscopic, able to penetrate pretty much all barriers, blood-testis barrier, blood-brain barrier, blood-placenta barrier etc. and accumulate in the lung, liver, spleen, the respiratory tract, and they can easily penetrate through the tracheobronchial airways and then transit down to the lower lung airways, resulting in the subsequent formation of granulomas (small masses of inflamed tissue), lung fibrosis (scarring) and adverse health effects to exposed persons.
The toxicological mechanisms of GFNs, demonstrated in recent studies mainly contain inflammatory response, DNA damage, apoptosis (cell death), autophagy and necrosis (cell death) etc., and those mechanisms can be collected to further explore the complex signaling pathways network regulating the toxicity of GFNs.

Graphene family nanoparticles, for example, pass through the air-blood barrier and mainly accumulate and are retained in the lungs.
Due to its small size, high surface area and surface charge, GO possesses significant genotoxic properties and causes severe DNA damage, for example, chromosomal fragmentation, DNA strand breakages, point mutations, and oxidative DNA adducts and alterations. Given the increased exposure of humans to GFNs, the assessment of systemic toxicity in the human body is indispensable in future studies.”

Exposure to GFNs from aerosol spraying from aircraft has certainly been a long term situation in the US and other places where they want to poison people

The promise of graphene oxide

Graphene oxide (GO) is portrayed as a “novel vaccine nano-adjuvant for robust stimulation of cellular immunity.” I do not know who came up with this bullshit, but it is just that…bullshit. Another report published in the journal Nanomaterials says: “Nanomaterials comprising functionalized nanoparticles (NPs) and quantum dots and nanotechnology-associated innovative detection methods, vaccine design, and nanodrug production have shown immense promise for interfacing with pathogenic viruses and restricting their entrance into cells.” This is just more bullshit. Not true at all.

“Nanocarrier/NP-based delivery systems can generally protect nano-vaccines from premature degradation, increase stability, have excellent adjuvant properties, and may help in the targeted/controlled delivery of immunogens to antigen-presenting cells (APCs).” More fabricated bullshit.

“NPs could produce remarkable amounts of neutralizing antibodies against the homologous virus, NPs may be a promising and effective prophylactic approach against MERS-CoV infection (Covid-19).” This is sheer desperation, folks. Not a word has any voracity.

Furthermore, graphene oxide has been shown to clear beta amyloid plaque from aging brain cells (lab dish study)???
But wait.
That report goes on to state: “Besides these, nanostructures possess other exceptional properties” which includes “their capacities to mimic the viruses in terms of structure or size without requiring a real infection!”

OMG: Doesn’t that say nano-sized particles like graphene oxide CAN be mistaken for the virus? Even more absurd bullshit.
At relatively high doses graphene oxide can induce heart problems in developing embryos (animal study).

Graphene may be excreted via the kidneys where it can concentrate and become toxic (animal study).

High concentrations of GO are toxic for the lung, liver, and spleen.”

Researchers report that GO may “reduce lifespan in roundworms.”
While graphene oxide may inhibit formation of abnormal blood vessels, (a biological process called angiogenesis, which is a common feature of cancer and macular degeneration, over inhibition of angiogenesis may impair wound healing.
These studies and reports are all for one purpose…confusion, obfuscation. So, you might think it is normal, or OK for them to put a full dose of it in your body and lie to you about what it is, and what toxic and eventually lethal effects it will have. They are even now working on monthly injection programs, so you will remain highly toxic before dying within two years, or so.

But there's more to this...This just in… The European Society of Medicine publishes a report that states: “COVID-19 Attributed Cases and Deaths are Statistically Higher in States and Counties with 5th Generation Millimeter Wave Wireless Telecommunications in the United States.”

This could just be coincidence. So, are tennis shoes the cause of the accidents? Obviously no, they are just involved, they are not the cause.

When we see plant-life affected by 5G, then we might have conclusive visual evidence of its toxicity. Are millions of dead birds dropping dead from the sky when near 5G towers not a good enough warning? The real threat posed by 5G are the robots that will be remotely controlled to take millions of jobs away from workers. OOPs…the graphene oxide vaxxines have depopulated America and Europe. There are now no buyers with any need of the goods being produced by the dead workers whose jobs were taken by the robots.

You see what happens when you just take the trouble to do a bit of research?
I've found more!

This is very worrying. I am going to cancel my booster having read this. Its far worse than even Bnet has correctly predicted.

I fear it may be too late for my family as we are already double jabbed.

This is from Alexis Bugnolo, an American-born Franciscan priest living in Rome who is also spearheading a campaign to unseat Pope Francis:

Friar Alexis Bugnolo Says 2 Billion Dead in the Next Year.

Bugnolo says that this is it. We’re in the Apocalypse and he estimates some 2 billion people will die from what he calls the “Death Vaxx” in this first phase of UN Agenda 2025.​

He says that over the next few months, the immune systems of those who have been injected will progressively degrade, with symptoms mimicking AIDS and he cautions people not to live with or be in close contact with those who are vaxxinated, to avoid infection with the deadly spike proteins and genetically-modified hydras, which can be transmitted via shedding from saliva, mucosa, blood, tears, sweat, etc., for example.

He says the vaxx is not only to kill those specifically targeted for death, but to massively reduce the world population in general, by poisoning and suppressing natural immunity. Some can be genetically re-engineered, while alive, by the Globalists, using dose after dose of the vaccine and eventually, some sort of 5G technology bearing some form of control technology.”

It appears the Plandemic has been in the works for at least 40 years, without anyone realizing what they were up to. “They basically want to totally re-engineer the biology of the human being and they want to exterminate the ‘natural’ human beings altogether to achieve massive population reduction.
“Now, we can see what the real meaning of the ‘New World Order’ is, we can see It isn’t the super-wealthy owning everything, the New World Order is to take humanity itself, as a natural resource, in the sense of making it an object of economic activity, legally owned and patented.

“This is way beyond slavery. They want to make human beings legally-owned properties. They have carefully patented everything they are injecting into your body, which is recombinant and can no longer be separated from you. Your own body will be used for whatever they want it to be used for, whether it’s sex, creating medicines, slave labor, growing replacement organ parts for their children and themselves. By virtue of their patents, you are property, which they legally own.

“We are talking about You, personally, not just your tissues, grown in a laboratory. You personally will be their slave, their robot, their organ-harvesting plant”.

“They’ll be farming you and they’ll be able to change your genetics at will, on a daily basis and this is their objective. Now, most people will not live through this experiment. Most of the 3 billion who have taken the vaxx are obviously going to die. Whether you’ve gotten one dose of the real vaxxine, or you’ve gotten 7 doses, you are on a death path. You are ‘walking dead’. It’s only a matter of time. UN Agenda 2025 ends in year 2025. Then Agenda 2030 continues for the next phase, ending in 2030. They have no need for 8 billion eating and shitting human bodies. They will make the population be what they need it to be. Most likely under 500 million.
If you haven’t taken the vaxx, you are an intelligent person, the last refuge of humanity. You are one of the few who will carry on the human race until the end of time. They know this, but they must be sure that you are truly a member of this category. The test continues, with however many Greek alphabet letters are available to be called ‘variants’, to generate more fear based on more fake threats, to drive the weak into the vaxx lines leading to the grave.

“The death-vaxxed will not be able to conceive human children. Their children will be genetically-modified and remote controlled, so we are at a great parting, here: A small group of Humanity goes in one direction and those who allowed themselves to be fooled by the UN Agenda 2000 have been eternally imprisoned already, biologically, while most are dead.

“I don’t see, from the situation being revealed, that it’s possible to save someone. Once vaxxed, you are not only legally-owned property, but you are already in an irreversible death spiral.”
Independent Doctors and experts have examined the contents of the serum vials and discovered unbelievably diabolical things. “There’s the hydras, that are genetically-modified so they can live in your blood and in your lymph fluids and meld with your cells and change your genes and they’ll just go on multiplying in your graphene oxide titrated blood. There no longer exists a viable immune system to seek and destroy harmful foreign invading entities in your blood stream.

“The vaxx turns off your immune suppression of metastatic cancer cells, so cancer is going to begin claiming cells through out you body. It turns off certain genes your immune system uses to protect the body from attacking itself. Your body no longer can distinguish native from foreign entities, so it attacks everything. Nothing is available to prevent GMO genetic-modification and reengineering of those who have been vaxxinated. Many in the recently vaxx’d category have yet to feel what is slowly developing within their body. They erroneously believe they are on their way back to “normal”. The ubermensch intend that the correlation between the injection and the adverse effects will be sufficient so as to make it possible to float a narrative isolating the injection from the infection. How many times can they pull this variant bullshit off? It depends on only two things: how many extremely ignorant victims remain available and how many letters remain unused of the Greek alphabet.

“So, the ubermensch will kill 2 or 3 billion but that’s only their first objective for UN Agenda 2025. The New World Order means that humanity now is in a new economic frontier. They have abandoned all human sense of morality and now look upon you as something lower than a milk cow. In the case of a milk cow, at least you want the genes to be high quality, and healthy, so you get nice milk. But these people don’t even want that. They want you to be their genetically-engineered robot unless or until they don’t want you to exist anymore.

“So, this is beyond any measure of psychopathy that I know if and this is so insidious, intelligent, well-planned and so controlled that I believe everyone, like it or not, has to recognize that the uber-humans are behind this.

“Looking at this from the perspective of uber-beings who hate the world as it is, who hate the creation of the humans, and see the only way to protect and save the planet is by, first of all, massive reduction of the human population, followed by a social system that does not permit the on-going resumption of the destruction of the planet by the surviving humans. They intend to take possession and control of the planet, in its very essence. Humans, unlike all other creatures habituating the planet, are irrationally destructive. They will kill indiscriminately, massively over consume resources with no thoughts for future sustainability, they will fill the oceans to the top and destroy all life to hide their shit, they will destroy the climate, the atmosphere and all forms of plant and animal life that are essential to human life. They believe they have science and can control the planet to convert it to be more convenient. This list goes on and on, but anyone with sufficient intelligence to qualify as a survivor can finish filling in this list.
Who is the creator god who always hated humans? It is Enlil, of course, also known as Yahweh or Jehovah. When is Enlil apt to return to this planet? In about 600 years from now. The blue-bloods were designed and endowed with the right to rule over humans, as gods, in perpetuity. When, the day comes, they need to have a presentable order running smoothly, bearing fruit while they reign as gods on Earth…

“We’ve clearly moved from reality to the Twilight Zone. This is no metaphor. We are in Armageddon. This was written of by the creator gods in their cuneiform tablets, that have been rediscovered by archeologists in huge numbers. These tablets are the basis for the bibles, written by the jewish priests, the clan of Shem, who followed the Lord Enlil, who promised them they are to be the inheritors of the earth and the ‘chosen people’. They needed to write the bibles to proclaim it so, for the eyes of the goyim.

“All of the apparent past evil of Hitler, Mao Zedong, Pol Pot, Marx, Stalin, Churchill, Rosenvelt, etc. has been at the behest of the uber-humans, as part of their plan to keep the human population in check. World Wars are small potatoes compared to what is taking place today. Other prior RESETS have occurred on a regular basis over the past 3,000 years. Horrible murderers and very wicked men were at work, but this is way beyond that. This is taking evil to a level that we have never seen in the history of humanity, that no human mind would have ever contemplated. The human mind is terribly limited and flawed. It can see nothing more than grandiosity on its own part. It can conquer Mother Nature, it can conquer the frontiers of space, time, biology, micro-biology, health, economics and so on. Except for one problem. It is delusional and unable to understand even the first thing about any aspect of real science. It thinks it can go to space by blowing up super-sized Chinese fireworks that are incapable of leaving the atmosphere. The ignorant people believe it all, so it must be true, right?

“There’s been a lot of talk of us, who are not vaxxed being put in concentration camps but I think that’s less likely to be the case, because the vaxxed will be dead before they’ll be able to execute it. It’s not like they’re going to use unvaxxed people to put other unvaxxed in concentration camps. They will use vaxxed people and these people only have about another 6 to 12 months to live.

“The position of those who are not vaxxed is much stronger. This death-vaxx is going to be very horrible for most of them, those who can see what is going down and realize that they are among those who will be going down next. That realization is going to be a tough one to swallow. However, those who are death-vaxxed will be in panic and of little further use to the ubermensch or themselves.

“So we are at a Great Parting, where humanity goes one way, the death-vaxxed go another and I think once people realize what’s going on, we’re going to see a lot more civil strife, considering that these death vaxxes have genetically-modified hydras in them that can seep through fluids – it is not yet clear if they can come out of your lymph fluids and your blood into your sweat or your saliva or other fluids of that sort, but I would strongly recommend not touching anyone who’s vaxxed, avoiding having any physical contact with them and I would strongly suggest you stop living in a house with them, because you could pick up their saliva from a fork, a knife, a cup and who knows what the result would be. It would probably be your death. Keep on mind that these hydra and graphene are submicroscopic, and can only be viewed using the latest scanning electron microscopes. That is the reason why it took a long time for independent researchers to analyze the content of the vaxx serum. These electron microscopes are available on government budgets, but no so much on independent researcher’s budgets. Masks, distancing and antibacterial slime are of no use at all here.

“Exercise extreme caution and try to do what you can to accept psychologically what’s now going to happen, because it’s much worse than you think. Many families have loved ones who are vaxxed. They are all doomed and it is not going to be easy to deal with their deaths.
“We, who are not vaxxed have to survive. Those of you who are married or marriageable, need to have children, because humanity, itself is under such an existential threat. Measures to create infertility and non-viable copulation are extensive and wide-spread. It is only a matter of a few years before total sterility will be the norm among humans.
“I think the governments that are pushing this are going to collapse by design. Of course, it is going to be far far easier to manage the existence of 500 million humans than the current 8 billion. Governments, in the plural, are not going to be a part of the NWO, which is a singularity in terms.

You must get into to the countryside, grow food, get a water supply, and arm yourself. Make friendships with other people who are not vaxxed and be prepared to take over the civil control of your local area, because it’s going to go down quick, now.

“I think we’re on a roller coaster ride, on that steep slope, and now through Christmas might be the last months of semi-normality in the ‘Western Nations’. Like in Africa, where they were smart enough not to start vaxxinating people, they’re going to end up the ones that outlive this, whereas foolish nations, like the US, Canada, Britain, Europe, Australia and NZ, who have 50 percent or more vaxxination ratios will be annihilated. They are the targets of UN Agenda 2025, the first phase.
“If you are associating with clergy who are pushing the vaxx, I strongly recommend you stop going to their churches.

You can’t live with people who are vaxxed. You end up with your health destroyed because these things are just going to start oozing out of them. Nothing they can about it.

“I hate to say it, because it is the consequence of what this Death-Vaxx does. It’s going to destroy human society. Husbands are going to have to leave their wives and children their parents and if you are Death-Vaxxed, don’t kiss your kids! You’re going to spread all that to them and even if they’re not Death-Vaxxed, they’ll end up dying.

“You are a walking bag of horrible technological and infectious agents and I hate to say this, but this is what the Globalists have done to you and this is what you’ve done to yourself by rolling up your sleeve. They have steeped you in ignorance and advantaged themselves with your ignorance. You have been easily taken in, and the consequences are inevitable.

“And don’t blame us for being prejudiced. I mean, this is a plague now. What’s in the vaxx is the Plague of Plagues, because it’s not just something that kills you, it destroys humanity and could end up destroying all of humanity if it spreads to the whole world. It has nothing to do with virus. It has to do with toxic injections.

You can certainly adopt a health and wellness program. That is really your only solution, but it is, and always has been, the only real solution. Its just that you have never been educated on the subject. In fact, you have been dis-educated your entire life, and it’s a little late in the game to do much about it now.
“And this also makes it difficult for us, who go to stores and buy things. You’re buying vegetables and fruits from people who’ve been Death-Vaxxed? They’ve touched it with their hands? Don’t eat any raw vegetables from the markets. Grow your own foods, organically, and learn how to preserve them for long term storage.
Start thinking about all the consequences. They’re horrible. If you don’t recognize this new reality, and take necessary precautions, you will be dead. It’s just that simple. At this moment, ignorant people will laugh at you. Good, let them laugh.
My prayers are with you and your family at this sad time Northwest.
Oh my.

New levels of double speak, shit sarcasm reached.

Scared you, too, eh, Mac?​

"You can’t live with people who are vaxxed. You end up with your health destroyed because these things are just going to start oozing out of them. Nothing they can about it."

“You’re buying vegetables and fruits from people who’ve been Death-Vaxxed? They’ve touched it with their hands? Don’t eat any raw vegetables from the markets. Grow your own foods, organically, and learn how to preserve them for long term storage."

Compost corner for me from now on, mate! And Brother John on speed dial.
I heard you’re going to Billing Aquadrome, I hear you’re going to Billing Aquadrome, I’ve never been to Billing Aquadrome, Let me go with you to Billing Aquadrome, Please let me go to Billing Aquadrome.
Careful Bnet. You know what happened to that poor German activated carbon expert whistleblower who was dragged from his house and brutally murdered. You dont want to be next on their list.
was he "dragged" from his house ? was he 'brutally murdered" ?
From the how has covid personally effected you. #41

Hot off the Press! It is starting to come apart.

"World Health Organization European Advisory Group of Experts in Immunization former Vice President Professor Christian Perronne yesterday said that all vaccinated people must quarantine over the winter months or risk serious illness.

Perronne specializes in tropical pathologies and emerging infectious diseases. He was Chairman of the Specialized Committee on Communicable Diseases of the High Council of Public Health.

Confirming the rapidly deteriorating situation in Israel and the UK, the infectious disease expert stated: “Vaccinated people should be put in quarantine, and should be isolated from the society.”

He went on to say: “Unvaccinated people are not dangerous; vaccinated people are dangerous for others. It’s proven in Israel now – I’m in contact with many physicians in Israel – they’re having big problems, severe cases in the hospitals are among vaccinated people, and in UK also, you have the larger vaccination program and also there are problems.”

The current working group on the COVID-19 pandemic in France was reported to be “utterly panicked” on receipt of the news, fearing pandemonium if it follows the guidance of the experts.

Israeli doctor Kobi Haviv told Channel 13 News: “95% of seriously ill patients are vaccinated. Fully vaccinated people account for 85-90% of hospitalizations. We are opening more and more COVID branches.

The effectiveness of vaccines is declining or disappearing.”
NB “ Any booster Jab will make this 10 X worse !!

Please share to as many people as possible. I’m sure this won’t get on mainstream media but we have to somehow get this info out... the Vs don’t work, therefore V p’ports are obsoleted.

Hmmm you sure you've never copied and pasted.
From the how has covid personally effected you. #41

Hot off the Press! It is starting to come apart.

"World Health Organization European Advisory Group of Experts in Immunization former Vice President Professor Christian Perronne yesterday said that all vaccinated people must quarantine over the winter months or risk serious illness.

Perronne specializes in tropical pathologies and emerging infectious diseases. He was Chairman of the Specialized Committee on Communicable Diseases of the High Council of Public Health.

Confirming the rapidly deteriorating situation in Israel and the UK, the infectious disease expert stated: “Vaccinated people should be put in quarantine, and should be isolated from the society.”

He went on to say: “Unvaccinated people are not dangerous; vaccinated people are dangerous for others. It’s proven in Israel now – I’m in contact with many physicians in Israel – they’re having big problems, severe cases in the hospitals are among vaccinated people, and in UK also, you have the larger vaccination program and also there are problems.”

The current working group on the COVID-19 pandemic in France was reported to be “utterly panicked” on receipt of the news, fearing pandemonium if it follows the guidance of the experts.

Israeli doctor Kobi Haviv told Channel 13 News: “95% of seriously ill patients are vaccinated. Fully vaccinated people account for 85-90% of hospitalizations. We are opening more and more COVID branches.

The effectiveness of vaccines is declining or disappearing.”
NB “ Any booster Jab will make this 10 X worse !!

Please share to as many people as possible. I’m sure this won’t get on mainstream media but we have to somehow get this info out... the Vs don’t work, therefore V p’ports are obsoleted.

Hmmm you sure you've never copied and pasted.
l never said I've never copied and pasted you boring cunt, you said "a lot" . Haven't you got some windows to lick ?
l never said I've never copied and pasted you boring cunt, you said "a lot" . Haven't you got some windows to lick ?
Ah I see you got found out so your now turning the tables standard bnet. You can't have a go at someone who copies and paste and you do the same thing.