and you wanted to be a proffessional gambler. Do you know why you failed ? because its obvious to me. The name of the game is to gather information, look where others are not for this info, make contacts that can help you with this info, appraise it with a logical mind then put your money on all of this. Reading your garbage, you have no ability to do any of this, you seem so ate up with hate you focus on a subject (Trump in this case) and ignore all practical logic because you are projecting your mental issues. You can not think critically. I could pull every comment of yours to bits, bit there isn't any point, it won't sink in, in fact you won't be able to even grasp it so l don't bother.
You acted like a 5 year old a few months ago when you threw a random insult but aimed at certain people on in here in your OP. I pulled you and called you a fat cunt, l used theses words because of what you was implying by calling people, me included, on here "Gammons". You are a fat useless cunt but you wouldn't have had to hear it if you hadn't called others basically the same (Gammon).
l mean the things you say about Trump, ffs, do you really think he's thick and stupid ? no matter if you hate him (with no reason that you can quote except youre need for a hate figure) or not, hes a billionaire you're a skint member. Do you realise how off the mark you are ? l guess you won't understand what i'm saying unfortunately. l put my hand out to you to help when you was going on about topping yourself, but you insulted me. You act like a prick, thats why you are where you are.