Anyone took one in yet

String The King

told for 2 years ago cant see ur dad mam or granny but now lets have a person from Ukrine but cant ask their vacince status however tellling me a year or so ago cant go football a pub or god forbid abroad without providing my papers. que FG telling me i should accept my lot and be a good boy
told for 2 years ago cant see ur dad mam or granny but now lets have a person from Ukrine but cant ask their vacince status however tellling me a year or so ago cant go football a pub or god forbid abroad without providing my papers. que FG telling me i should accept my lot and be a good boy
Just two little letters. TB…
Remember the date I said it.
But as Berkshire Fox says err I mean book club says. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
I'm immune to that fucker, me uncle had it when I were a baby. It's amazing what your immune system can do, innit..
Oddly enough Jackie, you probably ain’t. Remember years ago when we got the tester jab with the six little injections. If they swelled up you didn’t need the jab, you know following the science and all that… well… turns out the science was a load of bollocks (not for the last time) and it’s actually a sign of latent TB. Nowadays they offer you treatment to kill it if you have latent TB.
Funny old world eh!
But joking aside
Ukraine gets around 32’000 new TB cases a year with around a third of them being drug resistant.
We ain’t doing great on the TB front in this country, this will make it a whole lot worse. But the MSM won’t tell you that.