
If ADE is a thing, not proven either way at present, then the Flu could be pretty viscous this winter. The authorities are already preparing us for this so it will be particularly interesting.

The 'everyone will die in 2 years' comes from articles that discuss ADE and reckon that we will not know the effects of the vaccine on our immune system until we encounter the next 'novel' virus, which will probably happen in the next 1-2 years.
Thick and sticky like the poster.

We had been out pretty much all day, indulging in my normal treatment for being a bit 'coldy'. All day drinking plus a band in the evening, wilted a bit late on so home quite early, well before midnight anyway.

Up this morning, sniffles are gone as is the 'under the weather' feeling. Nice start to the day down here, bit of autumn mist but that is clearing nicely.