33% rise in corona hospitalisation.

It's great innit. Listening to the compliant weirdos wringing their hands blaming those that question all this bollocks.
Even had some prick suggesting those that question the governments intentions should go work in one of the wards without PPE.
Now here's the elephant in the room. I'm gonna point it out to you.
Those that have caught this virus have obviously put themselves at risk by getting too close to someone with the virus in the first place. How else would the catch it.
I've already been told they don't catch it in hospitals while the nurses are out back practicing their "grease lightning" routine so it must be their own fault.
Boris says if you wash your hands whilst singing happy birthday, wear your muzzle and stay two meters from everyone you're ok. So they must have broken at least one of those rules.
You don't hear me say don't treat them, it's their own fault.
I'm too nice for that.
Yeah and then there's the fool who reckons anyone refusing to be an unthinking guinea pig for the unproven vaccine (re: both safety and effectiveness) shouldn't be allowed in public places. Even though it has also yet to be proven that a vaccinated person is not contagious. Oh, hold on, it couldn't be the same person surely...