

Flat Earther
Who do the powers that be think we are going to be invaded by, other than refugees? Russia aint invading us, and I don't get the feeling they would want to anyway. So why all the talk of needing nuclear war heads? It makes no sense.

And how do nuclear bombs rack up with the climate control committee?
Hmmm. Any conventional bombs in existence even today, that could produce that sort of blast radius?
Wouldn't that depend on how big the bomb was, or whether the radius was accurately measured.

We're more frightened of nuclear bombs aren't we? The mention of nuclear stokes up the fear factor to 11 in the masses. Jeremy Vine's been wanking himself off on telly about it all morning. They fucking love it, they love the control of fear.

When two tribes go to war.
Well if there was a conventional bomb that could wipe out an entire city in 1945, there must be bombs we should really fear today.
oh right, so you're concerned on behalf of other people.There's a lot of that sort of stuff about now days.
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Fauld Crater. The biggest single explosion of TNT in WW2. 3rd biggest single explosion behind Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Ripped a hole 3/4 mile long by 1/4 mile wide. Mum was working in the Education Office in Burton seven miles away and it blew all the windows out.
D E W's are the danger, look at Hawaii and Chile. The press have covered these up so the fans of the establishment (thick lefties) won't know anything about this, add the Turkey earthquakes to the other 2 and possible Beirut.