The War on Drugs

Weed used to be nice. Now it’s nuclear grade skunk.

There was none of that synthetic shite or Spice.

And these days no-one seems to be able to explain the direct link between the tragedy of kids getting stabbed and killed in broad daylight and some posh twat / banker / celebrity snorting coke.
The problem with weed is that now it's legal in a lot of places, those types who smoked it thinking they were giving 'the man' the middle finger don't know what to do to keep the spotlight on them.
My son can buy smoke or edibles and hang with his mates all legal and above board like beer or ciggies. So to them it's just part of a lifestyle rather than some 'look at me i'm an edgy geezer' type of thing.
The people who use the words "War on Drugs" are the ones gaining from the sale and the social effects are what their plan is anyway. Controlled opposition!

Vietnam, Lebanon,Afganistan,Central America, funny how they have had plenty of wars innit, what do they all produce, yep drugs.
For as long as Winston can recall, Oceania has been in a constant state of war - with whom it was at war is of neither importance nor consequence
"I loved when Bush came out and said, "We are losing the war against drugs." You know what that implies? There's a war being fought, and the people on drugs are winning it."

I don't care if people want to drugs, I will say this though it fucking stinks, it's a really pungent unpleasant smell.
very interesting band,well worth a listen, kurt vile was there in the beginning,top guy, Sharon van stretten,another one definetly worth a listen,connected..
Wtf-should there be a war on‘drugs’,it’s ok using alcohol and nicotine,tax payable,but using coke,skunk,speed etc is frowned on..beaulux-enjoy yourself its later than you think...