Growing Trees

We’ve planted some Portuguese Laurel as its ever green and next door but one are a pain in the arse.

What can you feed it during winter to make trees grow like shit off a shovel
I have some two year old laurels which I plan to move next spring. If I take cuttings before I replant them, will they also flourish?
Trees are dormant in the winter. I'd have thought this goes for evergreens too. Feed your trees bushes and plants from spring onwards when they are working - to produce new growth, fruit, flowers, etc. If you are pruning to reduce size then do it in the summer when the sap is up. If you are pruning to encourage growth, do it in the winter whilst the sap is stored away. Winter pruning is usually to cut out the crap and to improve shape and open things up a bit.
Always plant a tree in a square hole rather than a round hole it encourages the roots to spread into the ground.