Why are they pushing the flu jab when there was no flu cases last year?
I went to the doctors this year, first time in years, remember I said they had took me off their patients list. Anyhow, fuckers text me yesterday to get my flu jab.
For free!
They can suck my fat one for free.
all jabs are poison, all the kids jabs are, its all bollocks.

On the same lines as killing us slowly with poisons - l got a vey pushy call from the Glenfield hospital yesterday. Some might know that l was diagnosed with Stage 4 terminal cancer 4 years ago, l fought it the natural way and won in the first few months. I've had 8 or 9 scans to confirm. My oncologist suggested that l get this new scan to find where any remaining cancerous cells are, sounds a good idea if you ignore the radiation involved.
So this pushy women TELLS me I'm booked in for next Thursday, l said l will let her know if it suits me, of which she got more pushy. She went through the bits and bobs about what you have to do and then said "you must stay clear of pregnant women and anyone under 18, for 8 hours afterwards". I said "why", she said its dangerous for them. I said "what about me", she told me it was perfectly safe for me !!! how the fuck can that be true if I've got radiation inside me that can harm others for up to 8 hours ? Do they think I;m stupid. FFS.

I'm going to get advice from a couple of experts in this, but my reaction at this moment in time is Fuck Right Off, go and kill a moron who stands for your shite.

Hospitals are actually slaughter houses for idiots.