Festival Of Brexit

Reading the Daily Mirror is a waste of toilet paper
If the question was "Is the Daily Mirror a newspaper worth reading?", then your response could be a valid one.

But it's not & it isn't.

My suggestions:

That bus
The blue passport
Fish - lots of them
But if it isn't a source of reliable information (not that many are) why quote it
Well, it's the idea for a start. I could've quoted the total of £120m mentioned here, particularly at a time when money is not exactly forthcoming for industries or initiatives that desperately need a sum of money like this much more.

The Daily Mirror has an agenda to discredit everything the Tory Party does - nothing new, the right wing papers are no better towards Labour
You don't need to have a leaning left or right to see that a Festival Of Brexit is a shyte idea financially if not for any other reason.

That the Mirror ae reporting it is neither here not there.

In any case, the day that journalism is no longer able to challenge or take to task what a govt does, is when you know the country's buggered. We'll just be like those other countries that we used to point at once upon a time, saying "We'll never be like that".